PC reflector ideas on MH/PC retro

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Nov 14, 2005
Hi all,

I bought a MH/PC retro fixture and the PC bulbs are right next to the MH bulb. I think the end caps and bulbs are going to fry that close to the MH bulbs. I was thinking of taking them out of the MH reflector and mounting them in the canopy and maybe dropping them down closer to the water.

Question is, should I try to fab a DIY reflector for the PC bulbs or just mount them and go. I painted the inside of the canopy with white paint to help with reflection.

Anyone try mounting some bulbs in a shoplight fixture? Fixture can be had for $9 and would seem to be as good as my DIY wood canopy.
haven't tried that, make sure it won't rust because usually painted metal close to salt water will rust fairly fast. not sure what you have in mind by taking it all apart, pictures would help, make sure you have good sockets for the MH & wiring. You could make stand-offs for the Pc's & just mount them over the white or get small polished reflectors.