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Apr 3, 2010
bonney lake wa
So I broke the number one rule.(Quarantine ALL fish before intro to DT) I rolled the dice on all the 9 other fish I have put into my DT. This was to be the last fish I was going to add to the tank. My odd were good so far, ( so I thought)

The culprit, a Pyramid Butterfly. I noticed a spot on his head about 3 weeks ago. No big deal, I'll keep an eye on it. Three weeks later there were spots on his fins, CRAP!!!! None of the other fish in the tank have theses spots.

I started to research an came to the conclusion it was Ich.

I know this is not the way to cure the tank of MI, but if the fish that do not show the signs of MI, They may have the right amount of immunity in their system to fight off this strain of MI. ( This is my theory and I'm sticking to it)
I dropped my fish trap into the tank and with in 2 min I had my sick fish caged without further stress. I set up a 10gal hosp. tank with an HOB power filter, heater, and some PVC pipe for hiding.
I bought a bottle of Kordon Rid-Ich. It is to be dosed once a day with a 20-25% WC before each dose. Could be done twice a day. I am not able to do that during the week. Directions say to dose 4 days longer than the last spotted signs of spots on the fish. From my understanding the med will kill the Ich while it is NOT on the fish.
I have treated for 3 days now and no more spots on the fish, so I will dose twice a day today and twice on Sunday. Then back to once a day.
This method may not be the best way to rid the fish of MI, I was not able to pull all the fish from the DT and treat them all safely. I was also not able to treat the DT with the med due to the WC volume.
I also started to add garlic solution to their food. I know some say it is a wives tale, but it cant hurt. (would you want to suck on something that stinks like garlic?)

I still see no signs on the other fish in the DT. Holding my breath!!!

I will hope to put the Butterfly back in the DT within 4 weeks.
I will re post with the results Good or bad....
Good luck Dave. We hope it all works out for the best for you and your tank. This hobby is stressful enough at times without dealing with illnesses and infections of the livestock.
Thanks Eric,
Some times I wonder who has more stress, the fish or us?
My approach to this MI may not be the right way or the best way, At very least it is an attempt to help the fish. It surly cant hurt.
I hope your issue with this MI is going as well as mine.
That stinks Pep. :(

Now that you know that you have MI you should really consider pulling all the fish and quarantine them. Allowing the reef to go fallow to allow the MI cycle to die off. Sorry for the bad news but if you saw MI on on fish then you have it throughout the system. You will never kill it off any other way then letting the tank go fallow of all fish for no less then 8 weeks. Here is Lee's take on it, #10 on this page:

10. Let aquarium go fishless (without any foreign saltwater additions (e.g., water from LFS system, water from another tank or system -- use only distilled or RO/DI for evaporation and freshly made, uncontaminated salt water for water changes), without contamination from infected tanks, live rock additions, etc.) for at least 8 weeks and the tank will be free of MI. This 'fallow period' has over a 99.9% chance of success.

Sorry about the bad news but I don't want you to waste your time with false over the counter remedies that will not fully work.

I am going to move this thread into Lee's section for better responses.

Yep, best of luck Dave and hope all goes well with this. If this is truely your last fish and all additional corals etc. are dipped/QT'd then according to latest research in a year your system will be void of any MI as well. What a great test of human patience in resisting the urge to add just one last ???

Cheers, Todd
Thanks for the move Frankie, I have read Lee's Post on treating MI. I am hoping to let the MI run its course in the DT for the next 10 mos. I will keep an eye on all the fish that show no signs of MI. I am hoping they are immune.

Thanks 10gnano, Just dont hold your breath.

Todd, I think I can go with out adding anything for a year with no problems. I my eyes it is easier for me to deal with this MI in that way opposed to QTing all my fish. I am just hoping to rise the Butterflies immunity enough to keep him from being over run with MI once he is back in the DT
Increasing tank temp and step-up airation to accelerate life cycle. BTW you'll want to go 6weeks-60days max ~Lee's post~ after last spot. There is NO medication that can kill ick when deeply imbeded in the skin (swimm stage only is effective) You can't see the parasite until it's ready to leave the host and bomb the tank. My male Anthias didn't pop one untill 5th WEEK!!! Even when Cupramine was used upon 2nd&3rd week in the QT. He was clean that long and was tempted to put him in the DT. Patients my friend, let him pickle awhile longer.
Thanks Aquanaut,
I plan to keep him in the Hos. Tank for at least 6-8 weeks before I drop him back in the DT
Well it is day 7 of the med treatment. Two days ago there where NO spots on the fish. I looked today during the WC and med dose and there must be 200 or more spots on the fish. Wow two days ago, clean, today, Bam. Hundreds.
Is this normal to happen in this type of cycle?
He is still eating like a pig. No noticeable scrapping, and breathing seems to be normal.

Thoughts anybody??
I think you pretty much got some good thoughts from those hobbyists who understand and know this parasite, in previous posts.

My thoughts would be that hobbyists should not experiment with marine fishes. Their lives are important to me and they have gone through many experiements, sacrificing many of them, many decades ago which led to the information given in the stickies in this forum. See Curing Marine Ich and Marine Ich - Myths. The treatment product you are using has not passed any controlled, independent, scientific tests which shows that it is useful in the curing of Marine Ich. Such tests, like you are doing, cost only a few hundred dollars to conduct.

The parasite goes through life cycles which are well known and understood. You can Google this. This gives the impression of 'here today' and 'gone tomorrow' as they go through their cycles. This is covered in the Myth sticky. Marine Ich - Myths and Facts
