Peppie's apology

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Well-known member
Apr 3, 2010
bonney lake wa
Before I get to the Apology, I would like to express my views and some thoughts regarding Hobbies and Financial Responsibility.

Most people who make the decision to take up a hobby do a bit of research. Time involved, Space needed, Some basic knowledge ,cost, support, ect. ect.
IMO a responsible adult would look at the big picture a make a decision on all the major aspects of the hobby the choose. Do I? Can I?

So now enter a Hobby that requires you to keep some type of animal healthy and alive. Could be as simple as keeping a gold fish fed and clean water. Or it could be as complex as keeping a Saltwater tank.
You should be financially able to give this animal/s it need to live a happy healthy life. If you cant. Dont get into that hobby.

If I were to have a saltwater tank up and running and I went out and bought 10 or so corals, got home put them in my tank. Good for me, but I have a typical fluorescent shop lite in my hood. I just spent all my money on these beautiful corals, so now I need to ask some of my fellow hobbyist to give me some lights so I can keep my new bought corals alive.
Oh and BTW I have a race this weekend and I was hoping my fellow racers would buy me some new tires.
And while I am at it, I am going to the flea market next week and was wondering if my fellow Pickers could spot me some $ just in case I find a good deal.

Come on people BUCK UP be responsible for your own habits and hobbies or get rid of them!!!!!

Thanks for letting me vent.

Now for the Apology

I replied to a post yesterday. It was NOT sugar coated. Did I mean what I said?? YES.
Should it have been posted on a public forum?? NO

I apologize to the members here for not sending my reply in the form of a PM
I have to agree with you 100%
The fish and corals are living breathing animals/fish. We do have a responsibilty to maintain them in the best way that can be possible.
something to be said for a man who can just tell it like it is sometimes though! why sugar coat things if its the truth? All the idiots get to act like idiots and nobody says anything cuz God forbid we hurt that particular idiots feelings. Perhaps if someone pointed out to them in a matter-of-fact way that they are being inapropriate it would be information they will use for their betterment...and if not? then I says fair is fair and its your perogative!
Most forums are for fun and community and helping and learning....
And most tend to have little mini groups were people tend to become clicks.

I for one can say that I got PM's from two of the people that posted in this thread about my actions here. And both more less said they were speaking for the mass's of RF community and they complained but my signature page and the other one complained about my use of the like button was to much they both so kindly explained the proper RF way of use of these.
I personal find it sad when the old times of a group or forum get to a point where all they do is hammer on the new people that are not like them. Well guess what if your not willing to deal with the mass's of society then maybe it is time for you to hang up the old key board.
The 2 of you may wright things in your defence I say good for you cause this is the internet where some times people disagree with you and you may not like what they say or how they use the forum.
And complain about what I wrote is great and only proves the point that much further. Because I have done what you both have asked and not once did either of you take notice and write a thank you to me for putting your personal feelings before mine..
I love RF and try to show others support everyday when I log in.
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Most forums are for fun and community and helping and learning....
And most tend to have little mini groups were people tend to become clicks.

I for one can say that I got PM's from two of the people that posted in this thread about my actions here. And both more less said they were speaking for the mass's of RF community and they complained but my signature page and the other one complained about my use of the like button was to much they both so kindly explained the proper RF way of use of these.
I personal find it sad when the old times of a group or forum get to a point where all they do is hammer on the new people that are not like them. Well guess what if your not willing to deal with the mass's of society then maybe it is time for you to hang up the old key board.
The 2 of you may wright things in your defence I say good for you cause this is the internet where some times people disagree with you and you may not like what they say or how they use the forum.
And complain about what I wrote is great and only proves the point that much further. Because I have done what you both have asked and not once did either of you take notice and write a thank you to me for putting your personal feelings before mine..
I love RF and try to show others support everyday when I log in.

Are you referring to this PM that I sent you?
Most forums are for fun and community and helping and learning....
And most tend to have little mini groups were people tend to become clicks.

I for one can say that I got PM's from two of the people that posted in this thread about my actions here. And both more less said they were speaking for the mass's of RF community and they complained but my signature page and the other one complained about my use of the like button was to much they both so kindly explained the proper RF way of use of these.
I personal find it sad when the old times of a group or forum get to a point where all they do is hammer on the new people that are not like them. Well guess what if your not willing to deal with the mass's of society then maybe it is time for you to hang up the old key board.
The 2 of you may wright things in your defence I say good for you cause this is the internet where some times people disagree with you and you may not like what they say or how they use the forum.
And complain about what I wrote is great and only proves the point that much further. Because I have done what you both have asked and not once did either of you take notice and write a thank you to me for putting your personal feelings before mine..
I love RF and try to show others support everyday when I log in.

the ironic contridiction here is you yourself wrote this from above " this is the internet where some times people disagree with you and you may not like what they say or how they use the forum." yet you are complaining????

I sent you a pm that it was a little anoying to see a FULL page size picture of your son with EVERY post post reply to. I did it in a pm and though I was respectfull. When you reply to others post where the may have pictures of their builds etc, don't you think its an invasion and you are being imposing when people see more pictures of YOUR child than ANYTHING else?

you said you understood and agreed....but I did'nt know you wanted to be thanked for it. I'm not going to thank you for correcting something that you were in the wrong about. Go ahead and continue to post full size pics in your signature line of anything you like.

I'm sorry if you felt "hammer'd"! I certainly did not intend that in ANY WAY and in fact was just giving you a heads up before it became more of an issue. and as far as being hammered goes I can not remember ever disagreeing with you or crossing paths other than the above mentioned pm I sent you. feel free to let me know If I have ever offended you otherwise!
My links didnt work.
I will try this.

MY post to you Hunter

Hunter, Buddy ole pale.
You seem to be in love with the "LIKE" buttom. ON EVERYTHING!!
Please dont take this in the wrong way.
You use the buttom way way way way to much.
Most all members here reserve it for posts they strongly agree with or find the post very humorous.
Please choke up on the button!

I am positive other members here would appreciate greatly.

Thanks bud



Your reply to me
Hey Dave so here are my thoughts.

Please don't take mine the wrong way either.

I guess I am just use to other forums where if you like some thing you hit the like button. I was unaware of the like button having a alter meaning. I will try and make it a point to not like any further post.
if there are any other secret things that I should know about please feel free to pass them on.
Maybe there should be a thread started by one of the RF pro's to explain all the unwritten rules of this forum. So new people like my self don't come in and upset people by being friendly and talkative on a forum. You know all this time I thought forums where a place to make friends and to talk and ask questions.

I am also positive that other new members would find this info helpful as well.

Thanks pal.

I returned this

No offense taken. I am not saying to not use the LIKE button, It is there for a reason. I use where I feel it works as I explained.
This forum is by all means to make friends and share info.
Every time you give a like it sends a message to your " IN BOX " When you get them on every post they lose their value.

New Members here learn the same way you have been learning. There is nothing wrong with that.
Keep the questions coming, and the positive attitude is great.


You sent

Well I am glad that is cleared up..
I was thinking about going and liking everything you ever posted Just kidding..
have a great rest of the day..


I really dont think I hammered you to hard. Please let me know what I have done to upset you. And why did it take so long for you to bring this to my attention?
Well its been 5 days since I last posted. I know you have read my post asking you to explain what upset you about my advice on the LIKE BUTTON.
I am not surprised you have not responded.

I dont feel I need to defend myself for giving you advise in a PM. But I would like to respond to your post on getting hammered.


Most forums are for fun and community and helping and learning....
And most tend to have little mini groups were people tend to become clicks.

I for one can say that I got PM's from two of the people that posted in this thread about my actions here. And both more less said they were speaking for the mass's of RF community and they complained but my signature page and the other one complained about my use of the like button was to much they both so kindly explained the proper RF way of use of these.
I personal find it sad when the old times of a group or forum get to a point where all they do is hammer on the new people that are not like them. Well guess what if your not willing to deal with the mass's of society then maybe it is time for you to hang up the old key board.
The 2 of you may wright things in your defence I say good for you cause this is the internet where some times people disagree with you and you may not like what they say or how they use the forum.
And complain about what I wrote is great and only proves the point that much further. Because I have done what you both have asked and not once did either of you take notice and write a thank you to me for putting your personal feelings before mine..
I love RF and try to show others support everyday when I log in.

Reef Frontiers is a great site to learn, with a large number of fun people.
You will be hard pressed to find ANY social activity,hobby,event,gathering, (from church,racing,school,bookclub,sports) that doesnt have its clicks. Welcome to the real world.
If you are going to accuse someone of something, you had better be sure you have your facts correct. I NEVER mentioned anything about your signature page.
I did PM you about your usage of the LIKE button.
You did say I kindly explained the proper RF way to use it. I gave you my opinion on how I perceive most all members here have used this button. There is no written rule on how it is to be used.
I am by no means an "Old Timer" on this site, barely 3 yrs. I am practically a new comer. I have not Hammered you in any way. I may have tapped you with a tack-hammer with some friendly advice. Trust me if I were going to hammer someone I would pick up a 10lb sledge. That pounding would only happen if I were provoked. To say I would hammer someone just because they were not like me is abjured. There is NOBODY out there ANYWHERE that is just like ME.
I will not be hanging up my keyboard any time soon. Just because the masses of society dictate the "NORM" doesnt mean I will accept it or abide by it. I guess some people are just destine to be followers.
I have people disagree with me all the time. I am just fine with that. The world would be a very boring place and life would be dull, if we all thought the same way about everything.
As for your feelings being hurt, because I didnt send you a thank you note for trying out the advice I offered personal feelings for myself, or you, were not involved .

I was a bit surprised when I read your post. It was only a short time after I sent you the hammering PM that I replied to your build thread, patting you on the back for doing a great job. I even received a LIKE from you on that post. So has this LIKE button PM advice been festering in your head all this time to where you finally had to get it off your chest? Or did someone put you up to it?
Personally I dont think you have the kahoonas to explain why you waited so long to made this post, for the simple fact that you are to worried about what people may think of you.
I guess I would just have to say that if you feel need to tell people how to act/behave or unwritten rules on a forum then maybe you should be a mod for that forum.

Hammered hummm well telling someone that they like to many things on a forum.. I think that about really sums it up.

Do you realize you more or less said a me that I should be a lot less excited about this hobby and what other people post here. Who are you to judge what I can like? you don't have to answer that it is not a real question.

Here is a example of your attitude.
You get up set with people for not getting enough info about the hobby but your the first to me rude to people when they ask a question. You are one of the few people here that needs to learn your not the fish tank police and not the forum police. This is hands down the largest and nicest group of people ever I have meet on the interweb. And guess what I can be sort a jerk too so I called you out on your actions.

Maybe trying to be more understanding to new people and be more supportive of the people trying to do there best that may not have a huge budget. And rather then jumping on them help them.

More or less man I don't know you but your attitude on here kind of sucks at times and yes I will be the first to say you also do a lot of good here and really I would say more good than bad. But trying being nicer. Your kind of like that old guy on the porch yelling at the kids playing on the sidewalk that might touch his grass.

Hope you can see that at the end of the day I really don't overly dislike you and enjoy most of what you have to say here. And I hope that you can move past this issue cause it is most likely not going to be a issue after this I hope.

Have a good day Peppie
Don't make me get the water hose you two:) And its not don't touch his grass its don't smoke his grass but i think there they call it smoking
Reefing brothers and sisters fight once in a while it happens the key is to know when to stop before mom and dad get involved:)
Don't make me get the water hose you two:) And its not don't touch his grass its don't smoke his grass but i think there they call it smoking
Reefing brothers and sisters fight once in a while it happens the key is to know when to stop before mom and dad get involved:)

love it your so right.. and thats why I said what I said about him doing more good than harm.
I think sometimes you just need to grab a beer (or two) and sit in front of your tank and remember why you got into this "Life Style" and relax, and just enjoy it. Lifes to short to fight over stuff said on the internet or a forum. Some day maybe you two can get together and realize that you have the same passion and excitement about your tanks and be good friends. JMO
love it your so right.. and thats why I said what I said about him doing more good than harm.

Sometimes you have to ask where did it all start. To my knowledge this current issue started with a public attack by hunter directed at peppie and myself. I said my piece and still don't understand why hunter was so upset....speaking for myself,upset with me for suggesting in a pm that when people see a full screen pic of his son several times on any given page that it was not cool and in fact was rude when there are more pics of something unrelated to the topic than of the topic itself.( I did not use the wording "not cool" or "rude" in that pm an thought I was very respectfull. I don't think that justified his post directed at myslef, and request that I thank him for removing those pics from his signature.

Please don't include me in anything that has transpired other than what I have said directed to hunter and what he directed at me.

the ONLY two reasons I am here on RF is to learn, and share my knowledge as others have helped me. sometimes though, you have to call em like you see em, and I am truly sorry hunter that you are so upset that you felt you needed to post the attack you did. Dave is real solid guy with many many freinds. I myslef have given away or offered very cheap livestock and equiptment and share that kind of relationship with many others. I don't think iether of us deserved this...especially on a post that peppie started as an appology .....and again I still don't know why you dragged me in also. never the less you did drag me in, and hence I am entitled to respond.

Since a reply is my perogative, I will refer to the above quote made by you and just leave it at that.

Finally, would you care to respond to anything I have posted here? I would appreciate more understanding of why you were so upset with me and like to hear what you think.
SCREW ALL THAT!!!....FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT!!!!....LMAO......I AM KIDDING!!!!!! In all seriousness. Everybody has said done or responded in a hurtful way in some manner. Either by how its said or how its read. There is no rule on how big a picture can be. There is no rule on how many likes can be given. Think that using best judgement is key. If the picture takes a whole page and its in your sig, it might be a lil big. But theres no rule. Give all the likes you see fit. But in the same breath, if you like it ALL, it does loose meaning. Thoughts have been established on all sides. Time to move on. There are a few people on here i talk to regularly. There are even more i dont. Theres even a few that ive completely sworn off. They know who they are and we dont respond to eachothers posts. Simple as that. HAPPY REEFIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
whats crazy is how we form solid opinion and pass judgment based on what we read here. so many variables and limitations in the spoken word, let alone typed!

again though....somtimes you got to call em like you see em! lol
Can't we all just sit around a campfire, holding hands and singing Kumbya?

Maybe we can all do that at the June BBQ?????

I am glad to see others here have chimed in with their thoughts on this confrontation.

Some will say I am wrong, some will say I am right. Dont much matter to me. What does matter to me is . I had my say.
hey peppie nuthing wrong with speaking your mind wich u do freely. dont let it bug u. u and me both know u gots back here.
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