Perc and Maroon clowns paired?

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Saltwater Nut
Jan 4, 2005
Key Center,WA
I have a percula and a maroon clown. They have been together for a little over a month. The Maroon clown has claimed both bta's. The Perc clown I have had for 6 months and has never came close to an anenome. In the past week the Maroon has been sharing an anenome with the perc. Does this mean they're pairing up? and if so is this reaaly odd that the 2 different clowns are doing this?
I dont think that there pairing up as that maroon is a meanie. lol But maybe its being nice what size tank do you have
The Maroon is a meany. That's why this is so weird. They really are getting along swimmingly :) My tanks is a 230 gallon.
thats why lol how close are the nems to each other. and you have plenty of space for them to have there own area pretty much
They are sharing a BTA. They have all the room in the world to be apart from each other but they are choosing to be together. I just get the song "Ebony and Ivory" stuck in my head thinking about it :)