Ph help !!!

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Well-known member
Aug 13, 2006
Auburn WA
I moved last week set the tank up all went well animals are fine but my ph has taken a nose dive since the move I am at 7.4 :eek: but my alk is at 7 dk need some input on how to get the ph back up safely

Thank you


Ok so this is wierd when I moved I put a small HOB filter to help clear the tank up faster. Well I have been grabbing my sample water from there every since. It was the only thing I could think of that had changed in my test procedures. Sure enough if I take water out of the tank its 8.2 out of the HOB its 7.2 I knew my DKH was to high for a ph dive like that. Why would the water in the filter be lower ?
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I couldn't say for sure what to do to safely raise it because I never had that problem before :oops: and also why your ph varies between the two, but are you using any sort of media in the HOB filter that can be lowering the ph there? Just a thought...Hope you get sorted out soon!

Here's another thread you may want to browse through in the meantime incase something here may help you some:)
I think krish has the answer. There is carbon in the HOB i have a feeling that is having an affect on the PH in the HOB. The main tank is fine at 8.2 I just have to remember not to take my water samples from the HOB
I think krish has the answer. There is carbon in the HOB i have a feeling that is having an affect on the PH in the HOB. The main tank is fine at 8.2 I just have to remember not to take my water samples from the HOB

I don't think I've ever heard of carbon lowering PH so hopefully someone with more knowledge will chime in on it to be sure, but I do find it really odd for the PH to be totally different between the tank and the filter on the same tank...:)
I find it strange too. Allthough I just re-tested I have 7.8 in the HOB and 8.2 in the main tank
Testing the water in a nasty filter is going to have lower ph. Its just like it you let your tank get dirty you'll have ph issues.

Ok here’s the deal my ph swings from 7.8 to 8.1 that’s it.

My ammonia nitrites and nitrates are all at 0 my alk is 8 dkh my ca is 420. I am trying every thing to bring up my ph but to no avail. I have a fan running in the hood for good gas exchange the top of my water looks like a tide pool so I have good water movement.

What am I missing here? I have an alk of 8 dkh that would lead me to believe that this is not a chemical problem the tank seems buffered. What can I do to raise the ph this is the first time I have ever had a ph problem. My first thought is to raise it with baking soda but I worry about raising the Alk to high.

Any help advice would be greatly appreciated.
You could raise it with kalk but I'd hold off since you just moved and probably have some die off.
