Phasezero's 55G SPS Tank

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Well-known member
Jan 19, 2012
I converted this 55g from a fowlr to an SPS tank about 4 months ago after i was inspired by resurrecting a RBTA on the brink of death in this tank. I started with some digitatas and after i actually witnessed a sign of growth i became hooked on SPS since then. Here is a basic rundown of my simple setup. I apologize for the differences in color between many pictures. Some were taken with my cell phone and others with a Sony that i'm constantly changing settings with.

Standard 55g long - Worst dimensions ever
Bellingham Tap Water

CPR Aeroforce HOB Skimmer
Aquaticlife Linkable T5 HO - was only using 2x54 up until the last 2 months where i decided to upgrade and add another 2x54.
Current Bulb Setup is B+,P+,Coral+,B+
BRS 2-part dosing the last 2 months
2x Evo 750, 1 Evo 1050

FTS 2/27/2012



Here are few shots of the tank the past year since it started.



Here are some growth progressions pictures of several corals.

Stuber Staghorn 1/4/2012 - 2/27/2012 ~ 54 Days Growth


Red Planet 12/29/2011 - 2/27/2012 ~ 60 Days Growth



Acropora Valida 11/23/2011 - 2/27/2012 ~ 96 Days Growth


Last edited:
Plum Crazy 1/18/2012 - 2/27/2012 ~ 40 Days Growth


Acropora Nana 11/23/2011 - 2/27/2012 ~ 96 Days Growth



Turquoise Staghorn 1/18/2012 - 2/27/2012 ~ 40 Days Growth


Green Digitata 11/23/2011 - 2/27/2012 ~ 96 Days Growth

nice growth picks. You hit up the Clarks Feed and Seed? They always had some decently priced ORA colonies.
NICE! You've got some beautiful pieces.

I love the progression pictures..thanks for sharing!!!nice Sps collection you have there and nice growth..

Yep sweet coral I for a their!

Thanks everybody!

nice growth picks. You hit up the Clarks Feed and Seed? They always had some decently priced ORA colonies.

Ya i go there too much. Unfortunately their SPS tank is going through a major crash right now. Everything has tissue necrosis and is declining fast. So they haven't stocked anything new the past few months and probably won't for a while. I was able to get some a few nice pieces before the crash started. The only upside to their current situation is i'm able to buy damaged corals for super cheap and have them recover in my tank.
....they have bad stuff happening and i wouldnt touch them with a 10' pole IMO

I have never found any signs of sps pests from their sps tank or all the corals I've purchased from that particular tank. Which is why I'm okay with taking the chance at < $5.00 corals that i can recover. But i totally understand your concerns as I wouldn't recommend anyone else to buy corals that look in bad shape. I think the tank is lacking some serious attention which is why it did go downhill. Little to no flow from 95% coralline encrusted power heads, completely salt covered lighting, 5g water changes weekly on a 160+ gallon tank, and 2-4 dkh alk swings. I can't say i'm surprised.

On that note, I think I'm finished purchasing corals from stores. It's getting a bit too expensive so i need to start looking into some trading with locals.
they have had nudis, red bug, flatworms.....the list goes on.....hate to bad mouth them but they do need some serious tlc on those buddy can only do so much there being low man on totem pole.....he does all the testing and someone else does the dosing.....they dont dip corals.....
i have alot of sps and would love to do some trading with you.....aswell as lots of time you head south past mount vernon send me a pm