Yes Mike, understood. I have seen the question many times of diffrent bad actors (could be metals, phosphates, organics etc) binding to calcium carbonate. I agree with you that this is not likely true and don't need any further justification from my perspective. However, what I am attempting to do right now is to outline, from a more fundamental perspective, how binding occurs, and what its time development would look like. In broad strokes, the simple model I developed can be used to qualitatively understand partioning of a water soluble substance and some sort of "sink" which can interact by adsorbing or binding these various species of "bad actors". Let's consider phosphate, or alternatively it could be copper ions, or an organic. Or we could just simply call it the soluble species of interest. At any given time, the species will exist in the water as a soluble particle. The question in my mind now is what happens to it? The answer is that it "partitions" into various and assorted "sinks". Lets just consider for the moment two sinks: biological and non-biological. How will these two classes of sinks partition with the water? Will they build up indefintely and cause some problems, or will they reach an equilibrium level that is either above or below some critical concentration at which we see problems? I suggest we forget about the biological sink for now because, an animal either has a toxic level of contaminate and dies, or it doesn't and lives. I don't think there is much we can do about that other than trying to keep these levels low (which depends upon the other sinks and sources). If the animal is alive and equilibrating with the environment, we can also consider it a sink, but for now maybe we can forget that. Elsewise, the sinks availables to us are either the substrate, rocks or degredation products of biological processes i.e.) humic substances. Each of these sinks will interact in the same fundamental way and partition with the water column. The model I outlined qualitatively looks at the partitioning of these various particles with various sinks. They key factor is to what level will they build up to and will it cause a problem? I have outlined three regimes a soluble particle will lie in when partioning. The first, where it only partitions weakly, can be shown to be limited fairly easily by water changes. The more frequent the water change, the lower will be the equilibrium concentration. The second, where the partioning is intermediate, can also be managed by water changes, even though substantial amounts of the particle will be bound by the sink at any given time. Again, the more frequent the change, the lower will be the equilibrium concentration of the particle in the water, and in the sink. The third is relatively more dangerious, strong partioning to the sink. In this case, it is not feasible or econonical to provide a frequency of water changes that can keep the equilibrium levels in the sinks at a reasonable level. The sinks will continue to adsorb the particles until they are saturated, and then excess will build to higher concentrations in the water column. So the next question is what are the relative binding constants (partition coefficients) with phospate, metals, organics in the two sinks, humic and limestone? I believe, that partioning with the limestone will be very weak. That leads to humic substances? What is the partioning coefficient with humic substances. I am quite sure it will be stronger than with limestone, but by how much? What are the ramifications for this model? Do we get ever increasing populations of bacteria and algea that will at some point overwelm the tank and crash it? Or alternatively, do these process have some sort of feedback that limits the concentrations/populations of the toxins/biologics. If the nature is such that the populations of bacteria and algea want to spiral out of control, can we introduce processes to help enforce an equilibrium at a non-problematical level? I do not know the answers to these questions? Does this make sense? Any thoughts from anyone? My intention here is to introduce more questions than answers.