phosphate problem

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New member
Oct 18, 2005
hey guys im kind of new to this site and just wanted to know if someone could help me.i got a problem with cyano/and hair algae aquarium been runing for about 2years and never had this problem:confused: .its a 30 gal with about 50 pounds of live rock and some : fish softies and lps.the lights have just been changed i use ro/di water and just started to do more frequent water changes and added phos pad. and the other thing is that i had emperor filter on it 4 months ago and changed to refugium HOB with caulepra and thats when i noticed some algae.SO GUYS WHAT DO YOU THINK.::confused: :confused: ::evil: :evil: :evil: :
Did this problem occur right after you switched from the emperor to the fuge? what are your nitrate and phosphate levels at currently?

If the refugium is working properly, then I would believe you are now left with a phosphate problem. Sounds like a good test kit is in order.
Welcome to Reef Frontiers!!!

I also would like to know what your water parameters are? What is your current inhabitant list?
it started to get a little algea about 3 weeks after i installed the refugium i havent got a phophate kit yet but my nitrate is 0.20 cal 450 alk 3.5 ph 8.2. i got 3 damsels 1yellow tang was about 2inches when i got it now about 3inches ill get rid of him soon.i got some carbon in the refugium thats only been in there for 1day and phosphate pad in there .i got the ecosystem 40 but not using the miracle mud or the bio balls i got live rock in the first chamber and sand in the second one the sand was out of my aquarium and i am using cpr skimmer.
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ARTYS said:
it started to get a little algea about 3 weeks after i installed the refugium i havent got a phophate kit yet but my nitrate is 0.20 cal 450 alk 3.5 ph 8.2. i got 3 damsels 1yellow tang was about 2inches when i got it now about 3inches ill get rid of him soon.i got some carbon in the refugium thats only been in there for 1day and phosphate pad in there .i got the ecosystem 40 but not using the miracle mud or the bio balls i got live rock in the first chamber and sand in the second one the sand was out of my aquarium and i am using cpr skimmer.
Alk is just a little low. As I understand it (and I could be remembering wrong) it should be between 7 and 11. With this being low it can drastically affect your cal and mag levels. As you start to SLOWLY bring the alk up--monitor those levels closely. Keep them as steady as possible and check to make sure you have good flow everywhere in your aquarium (no dead spots)--this will help to start cutting down on the cyano.

These are the two places that I would start--but that is just me. Somebody else might have a better idea.

I'm assuming his alk measurement is in meq/l, not dkh, in which case it's not too far off the money...for 450ppm Ca you want a meq/l alkalinity around he still is a little low....I'd recommend getting that Ca level down closer to NSW vaules, around 420 or so instead of trying to get the alkalinity up.

As for the phosphates...even if you do get a test kit, it may not tell you much, as the cyano and algae may have most of the phosphate tied up already, leaving little in the water column to be tested. I see you have a bit of nitrate...really the best way to combat these problems is water changes using nitrate/phosphate free water, skimming, cut back on feeding, ect....

Check your foods. If fish meal is in the first five ingredients, this could be a source of unwanted PO4,(fish meal= ground up bones and scales= phosphates). Also, if you are feeding frozen foods, be sure to rinse them to avoid introduction of yet even more PO4's!