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If you guys aren't using your aragonite sand...let me have it ;) Or you could pretend you're at the beach.

- Elmo :razz:
I would have given you mine, but I used it to fill in holes in my yard. That's about all it was good for.
Ok boys lets play nice. DSB's have a purpose and folks are free to run with them. What we want to do is to point out the good and bads of all systems, that way folks caan make up thier own minds. On Phosphates it is what it is, pretty hard to change mother nature.

Danny thier is no particular time table on this stuff, thier are to many variables (feeding, export mechs, maintence and so on) So you may be good for a good deal of time to come.
What I am trying to do here is to lay out the way thinngs work in our tanks, in this case in regards to P. If you understand the concept then what ever kind of filtration method you use, you should have a better chance at extending its life and making it work better.

Yellow I remember when you posted that info, you had me and Jerel rolling, great research and a great thread. thanks for that.

I keep reading about Phos test kits, as well as Calcium etc., but I can't seem to find these kits as the LFS.
Where do you get them and is it as complicated as it sounds to get accurate results.
Is this something that I need to worry about with a new tank with DSB? It sounds bad.

mojoreef said:

Yellow I remember when you posted that info, you had me and Jerel rolling, great research and a great thread. thanks for that.

I meant to say thanx to you. :)
Kathy thier shouldnt be any problems with a new DSB. Have you stocked it correctly?? ie: added detrovior kits such as several types of worms, pods, and so on??


I think I have stocked properly, except maybe the worms. I know I have a lot of copods, see them and their tracks regularly. As far as worms go, what kind do I need? I posted another message recently about finding these very long, transparent, thread like worms that I am not sure what they are. Can't get a picture cuz you can hardly see them, looks like a hair without a magnifying glass. Give me some worm ideas and I will get them.


All of this leads me back to two questions

What type/brand of test kit is worth buying?

I didn't see test kit at LFS...

Are all phosphate removers the same?

The LFS has a couple and I did see that a few were for freshwater. Warner Marine doesn't seem to be available

Kathy - there are detrivore kits available online. I believe Inland Aquatics - Detrivore Kits and IPSF has them available. You may also check out our sponsors and see if they carry any, as well.

As far as test kits go - Salifert makes a nice one for phosphates.

Not all phosphate sponges are the same. Some are iron based, while others are aluminum based.
NaH2O said:

Not all phosphate sponges are the same. Some are iron based, while others are aluminum based.

So which one is best, iron or alumium based.

Yellotang said:
I would have given you mine, but I used it to fill in holes in my yard. That's about all it was good for.

I also dont want to get into it again. I am a bb fan and love the look of Greg,s & Jerlel,s high flow sps tanks. However, as Mike mentioned and even Jerel, it still has its place.

I dont have all the specs done yet, but have decided like Tom, {on TRT}, to set up my new tank different. I just cant give up on my beautiful wrasses,s and corals that require something like a ssb to live in. My new tank will somewhere along the lines of my former 4ft. 170, {even ordering the same size}.

Like Tom, I will replace sand periodically and will still run a skimmer along with my turf scrubber. Hopefully that will keep phosphates, along with other nasties, in line.
My tank is on the main floor, so installing one would be hard to do. I have heard of these before but never really understood how they work. Could explain it for me in terms I would understand. Please bare with me as I get confused very easily as of late because of a small stroke I had a few months back.

I will see if I can find the link to a thread we had here on filtration or perhaps Nikki will. If not, I will post somemore info. Its to bad the fallout happened between the Adey who has written on & developed the turf scrubber idea and holds all the patents and the main company that sold & promoted them. Seems to be less info on them now, on the boards.