pics from the puget sound today

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Nov 6, 2008
Tacoma wa.
found some goodies for pics today on the shore today at low tide
my favorite was the little white with pink tip NEMS..
and the little fish under the rocks breeding and the little eel like guys too.
more for yea
the rock has like ten+ of the little nems.
thought this crab was cool such a vivid purple color to his shell and claws
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very cool adam where is this place exactly i would like to go tomorrow and check it out
saltwater state park in federal way, go around 2-4 pm for low tide!!!!
today low tide was like 330 i think

I would bring a pair of gloves for flipping barnacle covered rocks.

My hands look and feel like I got in a BAD cheese grating accident..
so wanna hang out deploying reaaaaaaalllllll soon and trying to make this a weeked to remember
That is really cool. I think I might have to cehck that out or maybe even head down to Edmonds and see what I can find.

I wonder if those little strawberry anenomes would live in a SW tank at 78-80 degrees

I saw em at seattle aquarium and wanted em, there pretty cool looking.
some of those little pools were pretty warm to the touch and they were open and happy!??
I was wondering that myself about all those hermits..
Nope... intertidal animals are able to withstand short periods (up to an hour or two depending on the animal) of warm or even no water, but they'll decline and die if they don't spend most of their time in temperate waters.

~ S