Pictures or comments on a bottom CL return manifold?

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Jul 25, 2005
Hello Everyone,

I'm planning plumbing for a CL on a 180g. I want to do a manifold around the bottom perimeter, buried under the dsb.

Anyone else use this method or know of pictures or related info? I've searched like crazy but found very little on buried manifolds.

Hey Randy - welcome to Reef Frontiers!!!

Can you tell me the concept behind buring the closed loop manifold in the DSB? Maybe if we get the general idea behind it, we can come up with a plan. I'm assuming the output plumbing comes out of the sand bad and provides flow this way, but I'm not sure? I think I remember seeing a cube tank like this somewhere - I'll have to do some searching.
Thanks for the welcome - this is a great site. I just stumbled upon it this morning.
I have two 1.5" bulkheads to run my CL through. I also have a built in overflow with two 1.5" and two 1" bulkheads (custom drilled 180g tank...) Here is a rough diagram of my hole layout. They have shifted some in order to avoid the eurobracing, but this is the general idea.

I am planning to run the CL through the holes that are outside of the overflow. I plan to have an open top with hanging light, so don't want a manifold around the top. I want to use a manifold so that I can spread the flow out. I'll run it around the bottom with tees ever couple of feet. I'll use loc-line to allow me to adjust the flow in what ever direction I want. So that is my preliminary plan... What do you think?

One more thing - I'm thinking of running the CL with a Reeflo Dart pump, hoping to get about 3000 gph through it.
I dont see why a plan like that wouldnt work. On the drawing you have, what is the plan for input or output for the closed loop

The two large holes far away from the overflow will be used for the CL. Beyond that - no plan yet :rolleyes: I'm picturing the return to come through the bulkhead immediately into a tee. I may keep it 1.5" thin wall for the whole manifold. I'm thinking I'll put 6 nozzles tee'd off the manifold. Not sure if those will be 3/4" or 1/2" but will be loc-line sticking up out of the sand... I think I'm going to try a reeflo dart for the CL.

For the overflow, I'm thinking of running about 1000 gph through the sump, part of that will be tee'd off the sump return into a fuge. Haven't worked out any of those details yet though. I'd like to have the sump return run a scwd or something similar, but not sure if I'll go that route or not. I'm tempted to just keep the sump return simple since most of my flow is achieved with the CL.

How much flow can I get through that CL? Maybe I should go for more than 3000 gph? Seem slike a lot of flow though...
RDmpe with the system you are trying to create your going to have to keep a bunch of stuff in mind as you go along. Having the outputs just sticking out of the sand might come with some complications. As in as the water flows out of the output it will gather water flow around it, so it might create craters in the bed and then expose more of the plumbing then you want to see, that and it would be a little harder to get the flow directed properly (not pointing up to the top of the tank).
I still think the plan could work well though but I would really work the plummbing in with your rock work, and use rock to hide and shield the outputs. Your going to want to have the input for the closed loop to be in a place where you can get to it for cleaning the strainer clean to. Also you want some of those outputs to be higher in the water column?? maybe protruding from the aquascaping??

If one takes all these ides into play it could make for more elbows and stuff then you might have planned (as in to keep the plumbing and outputs viable and hidden) for this reason I might look to increase the pump compacity some.

NaH2O said:
I think I remember seeing a cube tank like this somewhere - I'll have to do some searching.

Alright - here is the tank I was talking about. It is a cube that has the outputs to the return coming up from the bottom (makes me nervous relying on the check valve in a power failure) - but for a closed loop application I think it would be great for open tops. The pics start on page 2. The locline comes up out of the sand and is directed towards the rock.

New Anemone/Clownfish Tank
Thanks for the link - that is a little scary having only the check valve holding back disaster! I'd rather try a solenoid that is only open when it has power, maybe in combination with a check valve...

For the CL I don't have to wory about a siphon, but a plumbing leak would be bad...

I'm thinking about ways to encorporate the CL returns into the rockwork. I was planning on using some PVC "stands" to help support the rockwork anyway. So maybe I'll make them part of the plumbing. I'm going for some islands with lots of open space, that's the look I prefer. The tank is 72x24x24 and will be viweable from three sides.

I was thinking about the next pump up from the dart, but it is almost double in power consumption. That will also mean more noise and heat too I suppose. So I would like to make the dart work. Although I'll have a lot of elbows, I am going to try to have lots of outlets too and will try to use the 1.5" pipe wherever I can, which will help to reduce the backpressure from the plumbing...

I was thinking I'd have to have the nozzles at least 4" or so from the sand to avoid blowing it around too much, but really I'm not sure - I'll just have to try it I guess.
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I would be worried about the amount of weight the bottom glass would be able to handle once it has been drilled, especially with a DSB on top of it. 6" of sand plus give or take 180 pds. of LR is kinda heavy, not to mention water (8pds/gallon). That's just my opinion though.
Good catch Gman I didnt pick up on the fact it was a glass tank. Couple of things now come into play. One is it tempered??, the other is the amount of holes, I would say reduce the amount in the overflow for sure, maybe to one return and one drain line, and then try to keep them as far away from the edge as possible. I would also change the location of the closed loop in and outs to be more centered and closer to where the actual flow is going to be (ie: rock piles)

lol too late guys, the tank is *in* the building! It is actually sitting on the stand now (finally) in the garage and tomorrow after work I'll fill it with water. So then we'll see how it does. To tell you the truth, I'm not too worried about it. The glass bottom is supported over it's entire area (sits on 1" hardwood plywood with 3/4" styrofoam layer). No tempered glass. Tomorrow we will see...
Yep, I sure wouldn't want to drill these holes... Here are some pics...



Now I have installed the bulkhead fittings and put plugs in them. I've added just a little bit of water to see if they'll leak. No leaks yet, but tomorrow will be the real test when I fill it up!




