Pipefish info

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Well-known member
Jul 21, 2005
I recently got three alligator pipefish in my 30 gallon reef tank. They have been in the tank for a little over a week. One has a growing wound on it's side:


I'm not sure how to treat for it, is there a topical treatment? My other two pipefish are changing colors; one is turning more red and the other is turning more white. (the one in the back is more red and the one in front has a lot of white around it's face). Are they a lot like chameleons in that they change color with stress? Is this something I should be worrying about?


All three are eating frozen mysis shrimp twice a day along with the suncorals. I do have a lot of current on once side of the tank and very little on the other side where the stay most of the time.
Did the wound develop after the pipefish was in the tank, or did it have the wound when you introduced it?
It started to develope after I introduced it (there was another pipefish with this one at the LFS I work at that died, it too had a wound, but I thought it was because it got stuck on the powerhead).
I've made an account there, but they have to review my application before I can post. So, I thought I'd ask here hoping I could get some quick replies. Thanks, I'll take a look around :D
Let us know what you find out. The wound doesn't appear to be bloody at all, like in the photos of bacterial infections. Is it possible that it is an injury from a powerhead?
I posted on seahorse.org and the response is that its vibrio, a gram negative bacteria. I've treated the tank with erythromycin, but apparently it only treats for gram positive bacteria. It's suggested that I isolated the pipefish and treat with neomycin with a type of sulfa medication. Anyway, I got my work cut out for me today, wish me luck on getting this guy better. I'll keep everyone posted.
Glad you were able to get a response so quickly. Good luck, and definately keep us updated!
The pipefish died this morning, and another one now has an infected tail :( I've tried looking for neomycin and aparently it's not available in canada. I've got the one pipefish in a 3 gallon hospital tank, and I'm still looking for some broad spectrum antibiotic.

Does anyone know if I could do an iodine dip??
I don't know about doing a dip,but I have used iodine to swap wounds on goldfish.Don't let it get near the gills or eyes.
I know this may sound dumb but if you can catch the fish, and handle it carefully, you can put some household neosporin on the infected site.
I thought of using polysporin. Is polysporin the same as neosporin? From what I've read polysproin is the same but it doesn't have neomysin. Is it okay if the polysporin gets into the water?
Where abouts in Canada are you located?

For this type of issue, you can try Nitrofurazone @ 30mg/gal in a QT. With an open sore, you cannot use aldehyde products so it can be the next best thing. Alternately, Gentamycin (@20mg/gal) or Kanamycin (@0.05 mg/lt) may also be options in the event the Nitrofurazone is not available locally. I know a few e-tailers, depends on which is closest.
