Plans for setting up a new cube... thought of a waterfall stock...

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Nov 1, 2012
Hey everyone.... So here is my idea....

I am planning on setting up a rimless cube tank in the next few months. Hoping to get a custom built cube from OBD that will be 20x20x15. Price will be the major factor. If I can't get it custom I will be purchasing a 18x18x18 aquatop rimless cube. The lighting will be current USA marine orbit fixture. For filtration I am kicking two ideas around one being an overflow with 10 gallon refugium (if OBD builds It) verses the canister filter (if i get the aquatop, because it's tempered) filter probably rated for around a 90 gallon tank with approximately 500 GPH return. For circulation I will get the hydor koralia 425 GPH. (will this be enough circulation? Or should i also get the hydor koralia 250 GPH nano?) This will all be on a Custom built stand that i will do myself. I might also make a floating hood for the light that would sit about 3 inches above the rim that i will make adjustable for maintanence (still up in the air on a floating hood or not, probably will be budget allowing).

But, the reason I posted is I have been thinking about aquascapes for it.....(dreaming/planning). I will be using 25 pounds of dry rock (1 or 2 small pieces from my existing aquarium for seeding) and 20 pounds of black live sand. I plan on building a rock wall (supported with pvc rod and drilling the rock for support) in the back right corner in a 90 degree angle. I will have a cave possibly two on the bottom of the wall and a gradual decline the highest part being the corner, and then having two coves coming out the sides of the rock wall kindof making a horse shoe. (this will be where my zoas are placed, different colors on different levels of the decline). On the very outer part of the horseshoe at the very bottom of the decline will be a frogspawn on one side and a torch coral or hammer coral on the other. When i get the clam it will be the centerpiece in the middle of the rock horseshoe. The left front corner will have a column (also supported with PVC/ drilling the rock), on the different levels of the column i will have zoas and polyps up on the top levels and Rhodactus mushrooms towards the bottom parts of the column. then in the right front and left rear of the tank i will have two single rock islands one with blastos the other with rhodactus mushrooms. I plan on having the exposed back wall covered with xenia or green star polyps. No rocks will be touching any of the glass for circulation purposes.

Any ways I wanted to know if anyone has seen or heard of the aquascape breaking the water level (this would be the top of the rock wall in the back right corner) and having a small waterfall or water trickling down the rockwork back into the tank for the return. Does anyone know if this would be a good idea or any problems that could arise from doing something like this? I just thought of it and not sure if it is a good idea or not or if there are any consequences for doing it. I know it would look beautiful and would have that relaxing running water sound.

The corals I want to keep are soft corals (rhodactis mushrooms, high end zoas and polyps, xenia or green star polyps growing up the back glass) and LPS (euphylia species, hammer, frogspawn, and torch, and some Blastos) and a clam (after tank has been established at least 8 months, would this be possible with all the softies and lps?) with 0 sps in the tank.

For fish I want two clowns (black and white occelarius and a snowflake... hopefully can become a mated pair, Would love to see how breeding works, if they do) a diamond goby (the one i already have that eats frozen, flake, and pellets as well as sifts the sand for leftovers, I absolutely love him great personallity and hard worker) and last but not least two banghaii cardinals ( again fastenated to see the breeding patterns of fish) and maybe a lawnmower blenny (love these guys but don't think the tank will be big enough, approximately 25 gallons). All these fish would be added in the order of Goby because i already have him, wait a month or two then The Cardinal Pair wait a month or two then the lawnmower wait a month or two then finally the pair of clowns. Would these fish work in the tank that i specified or will there be issues?

I rushed my last tank and am still paying for it at times. I am new to the hobby (about 2 years now) and want to plan everything and take it VERY SLOW this time and make a tank and setup to keep for years (as well as the livestock). I am trying to build this set-up for under 600 dollars (not including the corals and fish). I think I can do it if I plan and do some DIY projects along the way(Stand and hood). Anyways let me know of anything you guys can think of problems, ideas, suggestions.

Thanks much appreciated.
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Would be cool, but a lot of extra maintenance. inevitable salt spray buildup nearby and probably algae build-up on the exposed rock. Would also raise electrical heating demands. Be that as it may, the nifty effect would be quite original!
I thought about the salt spray. do you think it would be that noticeable of a difference as long as i don't have insane amount of pressure coming out..... heres food for thought....possible T in the return one going to the waterfall and a ball valve on the one going in the tank so i can control how much goes in the tank therefore controlling how much and the pressure coming out the waterfall. I thought about algae build up.... would snails or crabs come out of the water to clean that algae? That would be kindof cool to see as well. I didn't think about the electrical part of heating. But i honestly don't know how big or little affect that would have on my electricity bill. Do you think it would be alot? My house is usually between 70-72 degrees.
I thought about the salt spray. do you think it would be that noticeable of a difference as long as i don't have insane amount of pressure coming out...

Saltwater finds a way. Any bubble pops, you got spray.

I thought about algae build up.... would snails or crabs come out of the water to clean that algae? That would be kindof cool to see as well. I didn't think about the electrical part of heating. But i honestly don't know how big or little affect that would have on my electricity bill. Do you think it would be alot? My house is usually between 70-72 degrees.

Snails would climb, not sure if they would keep up all the way to the top. As to heat loss, the waterfall would be a natural coolant. Tank 77'. falling water already cools through evaporation.
Ok well I'm planning on it be only 2 to 3 inches out so we shall see how it goes .... as far as heating is concerned guess ill have to keep the heater on the back wall near a circulation pump then :) I haven't heard any concerns as far as water quality or anything goes so I'm pretty stoked and think it worth trying. Ill just build it in a way it can be removed if something doesn't work out for me..... how does the fish stocking sound? Is the two pairs (clown and cardinal)and the goby and blenny too much of a bioload for a 25 gallon or should it be fine? Will either pair not breed because of the other pair being in the same tank? Thanks
I know it would be about a year for the clowns to even think about breeding. What I'm asking is will they even try in a year or so with both pairs in there? :)
Hey I just thought of something and figured I would ask to see if what I'm thinking is accurate. With the water cascading over the rock. Would that work the same a with the marineland bio wheels. Another good place to filter out ammonia and nitrite because of water having another spot to really mix with the air as well?
Hey everyone..... New update. So I got the quote from Oceans By Design for my 20x20x15 cube with built in overflow. It was a little more than I expected....... But I have thought long and hard and decided that is the tank i want and who i want to build it and to hold off on the cube until it's financially possible. So for now until the funds are more readily available I have set up a 20 gallon long because I love the size and the look of them and should be able to use everything i get for the cube in the future. Some of the 20 longs I have seen are absolutely incredible. So i went to petco and bought a 20 gallon long on their $1 per gallon sale. And it is up and cycling right now. I have recently sold my 90 gallon set up and all the fish (except for my diamond goby that is still doing awesome), liverock, equipment and lighting. So i will post what all my tank has and what i have coming and any thoughts for improvements would be appreciated.

20 gallon long from petco for $20
marineland biowheel 100 filter ( i know i know, nitrate factory. But only going to use for clearing water after water changes and to run carbon when needed. I also and using it as current until my other hydor koralia nano gets here. Should be thursday.) for $22
hydor koralia nano 425 for $25
100W heater i had laying around (will be getting a jager eheim in the future) for $0
20lbs of black live sand (beautiful sand .... love it!!!!!) $28
25lbs-30lbs of coraline encrusted live rock from my 90 gallon tank for $0
24"-36" current usa marine orbit LED fixture with ramp timer pro (should be able to support softies and LPS with this shallow of a tank :) not interested in having any SPS. Just not my thing as of now) $148 Shipped (Again thanks for the $40 dollar savings amazon!!!!) This should be here thursday to tuesday we shall see (i'm hoping thursday)
hydor koralia nano 240 for $22 (will be here thursday)
And in the future I plan on getting a Aquaticlife 115 nano skimmer (next 6 months) I will be doing weekly water changes until then.

So in total I have spent $265 for my equipment and set up including lighting. Not too bad I don't think

Diamond Goby ( I already have him and he looks amazing in the black sand. Took the transfer between tanks well and my ammonia is almost to 0 PPM after 4 days of a small cycle. Never getting close to .50 ppm. He is eating frozen mysis still and fat and healthy doesn't seem to be at all stressed)
1 turbo snail (from 90 gallon)
13 astrea snails (from 90 gallon)
10 nassarius snails (from 90 gallon)
4 nerite snails (from 90 gallon)
1 black and white occelarus clownfish (will get about a month after cycle is completely over and stable)
1 snowflake clownfish (will get about a month after cycle is completely over and stable) the clowns will be added at the same time
high end zoanthids
silver xenia (will be grown on their own rock island to try to keep contained)
green star polyps ( want them to grow up the back glass of the tank for ease of fragging and keeping them contained)
frogspawn at one end of the tank
torch coral at the other end from the frogspawn

Anyways this is my set up. The questions I have is when I put the 425gph and 240gph hydor koralia nanos in the tank do i need to still run the HOB filter for putting oxygen in the water? And do I have enough current for a 20 gallon long with the corals i've listed? Thanks every one let me hear the critiques and suggestions :)
This sounds really cool! I saw a video awhile ago with an exposed center mount of rock, and crabs would walk in and out of the water onto it.