I must say sometimes it does bother me when I post somethings and don't get one reply. But, it's probably a dumb question that should be common sense anyway. I try and do a lot of searches. Then ask different questions on the same subject. Maybe in the 12 hours of reading I missed what I was really looking for.
One thing I never ask anymore is questions about Parameters. That always turns into a PhD only thread. I also stay out of a few forums, I usually get shunned for even posting there.
This is by far the best forum on the web, IMO. But it still has its clicks that people only seem to flock to the threads started by people who are "important" in the hobby or trade. I do try and offer my input when I know the answer, or at least think I do. Being corrected is not a bad thing, thats what helps people learn. It is a known fact that people learn more from making mistakes than being told how to do it.
Thanks Krish for all your hard work. Gabby where would we be without you around. Nikki's Links saves lives. BigT's pics make people drool. MtnDewMan makes this world work. Jiddy Keeps us in check. Wrightme43's humor keeps me reading.
There are sooo many of you that make this world work for all of us. We wouldn't be here if it weren't for the members we have. I don't have the time anymore to be here as much as I used to. I finally got a job after 2 years of being sorta unemployed, a stay at home Dad. This site has, believe it or not, helped me find a job. I work for one of the sponsors now, since December. I am very thankful for this site.