pleas help is this the correct pump?

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I have thought up a design for a sump if you think it is a good one I will add the skimmer ect on the backside tell me what you guys think:

I have measured my stand and I have limited space :( here are the dimentions:

As you can see there are cutouts in the back the same size of the doors and I can hang the sump out 7 more inches before it hits the wall... Maybe I will need to buy somthing like a plastic box so I have a wider selection of sizes and shapes. What would be the minimum size sump that a 55 gallon could use of course taking in consideration the equipment that will have to go inside?
and i mean carbon not carbin. sorry had limited time on the library computer rushed through the diagram.
i was thinking of having the equipment hanging off of the sump in the refugeiam area or i can divide the refugiam where the heater is and place the equipment on one half. what would you advise? should i add more bubble stops in a different spot? what would you advise for a minimum gal sump for a 55 gal tank? can i have some pros and cons of my design? criticism welcomed :)
If no one else had said so, let me be the first to say your name "goatse" is terrible.

You scare me.
If no one else had said so, let me be the first to say your name "goatse" is terrible.

You scare me.

At least he hasn't chosen an avatar yet!

Goatse: The way you've maximized your space is really nice, but I would wonder if there is enough flow to get from the inlet to the outlet. Keep in mind that you will also need to light the refugium in order to promote a healthy life cycle for the bacteria, macroalgae, and other organisms in there and also stabilize the PH of your tank overall, so you would likely need a longer light fixture for the wider design.

One of the other great uses for a sump is to house the unsightly equipment you would normally have in the tank itself, such as the protein skimmer, heater, automatic top-off meter, and other items. It helps to space out a little nook for these tools and keep them out of sight from the casual observer.

I would say that a 20 gal sump would be a good minimum, with 30 gals being the max. Then again, the bigger sump you have, the more water flowing through, the healthier your system will be.
i got the name from another forum. i asked for name ideas and this is what i got haha well it stuck with me. funny i use this for close to all of my accounts even banking lol and your the first to call me out. and thanks for the tips guys big help. i don't think i can fit 20 gal tank in my stand :(
What are the dimensions of your stand? Are there any doors on it? If so, how big are those doorways? I ended up having to saw a doorway into the side of my 4ft stand in order to fit the 30 gal. sump in there, but I reinforced it with some 2x2 on the inside and it's holding up nicely.

If everything is planned out well enough, you likely won't have to take the sump out and should be able to perform routine maintenance with little getting in your way.
the dimensions of the stand are in the second pic of my sump diagram. oh i forgot to add that the doors are 21'' tall
im pricing out pumps can someone give me a few more modles to look into i am already pricing the eheim which was suggested earlyer.. i saw a used mag7 localy is thatone nice? what would be a good low price and what is too expansive if of course its a decent one.
mag pumps are good as well, idk if you need a mag 7 but you could also use a T to slow down the flow if needed, i think someone mentioned earlier you want slower flow for the sump and lots of flow for the display, im using a mag 7 on my 75g but i have it split into three.
how about if i get the 7 straight up to the tank from the sump and run all of my flow from the sump to the tank in 4 outputs without any powerheads? what is the most you would pay for a used 7 and what would be ideal?
sorry i would have just edited my last post but i do not see the option as i am on my cell phone. anyways now that i think of it thats not going to slow the sump flow down, only spread the flow in the display correct? so i guess toss out the mag 7 idea? if so can i have some suggestions on what pumps to look into?
ok, you want slow flow in your sump so it doesnt create lots of micro bubbles, and so that your skimmer can pull everything out. You want high flow for the display tank using powerheads or a closed loop. If you did create multiple outlets it would actually slow down the flow because it would have farther to travel around the tank which could be better for the sump. I really dont think a mag 7 can provide enough flow alone for your tank, what do you plan to keep? Look into octopus powerheads at preminumaqatics they are cheap but built really nice and offer a lot of flow, they are not controllable like vortech pumps but they are also a quarter of the price.
im begining to think i bit off more than i could chew :( i still need an overflow, sump, skimmer, plumbing and more. i understood it would be expansive but i thought the bundle i bought was enough. i am saving for a down payment on a house and thinking about canning this till i get my stuff together. bummer i already put too much into it :(.
Well the best thing to do would be to research everything equipment, plumbing, live stock, and then plan it out before purchasing anything that way u save money and don't waste any time. if u can take back o sell the stuff u don't need and buy what u do.
Well the best thing to do would be to research everything equipment, plumbing, live stock, and then plan it out before purchasing anything that way u save money and don't waste any time. if u can take back o sell the stuff u don't need and buy what u do.
It's a pretty dedicated hobby in both expense and time, but there are still other uses for your saltwater tank. Triggerfish and eels are crowd pleasers and are always interesting to watch and interact with. :)
i was bummed but not done. my tank is lightly stocked but running flawlessly. thanks to yours and other peoples help:)... does anyone have some decent cheap lighting for a 48'' tank? for some soft corals and amenomys<sp>