PLEASE be honest when you post

Reef Aquarium & Tank Building Forum

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Oct 22, 2004
Nassau, Bahamas
A few weeks ago, diablo started a thread entitled, "Please be positive when you post". It was a great message he conveyed here which supports RF standards to the fullest...

Well, I just wanted to send out my own message here today for all of us to PLEASE (as much as possible) be honest when you post. I can't stress enough how important that is. Giving "in-correct facts", "half the story", "not filling in the blanks", "making up things" etc. can cause someone some serious problems if they don't know any better. I know we have some really intelligent people here that know "BS" when they see it, but then there are still others here that are new to the hobby etc. that just don't know any better and therefore can fall at the mercy of these posts. Please don't wait to be called out on something you said which you cannot prove or cannot back up. Before that has a chance to happen, either refrain from posting, or just post the facts that are proven and true. Thanks...
This is the truth. I love to velveeta cheese. I mean I absolutely could not live without it. I also like johnsonville brats.
I can't handle the truth!!!!!!But also love velveeta:)I here what your saying krish and if i got the truth before i wouldn't have had the problems in the past but i cant blame anybody but myself.But on a subject like ich for example..There are many different opinion on this subject.I myself had mentioned using malichite green and everybody I talked to said it was not reef safe.But i did it and none of my corals in my reef died or anything else.And the ick is gone..Know would stating malichite green is reef safe be a fact or an opinion?????????I Still Find myself asking many questions about truth....What is the truth and can i handle it?????....:lol:
LOL...You can handle the truth man. You're cool.:cool: Thinking you honestly know something and saying it is fine, even if it not correct, but knowing better and knowing something you are thinking is wrong, but you say it anyway, is misleading:)(did that make sense???:D
Hi Krish. You know what is funny, i thought of the exact same thing today! I was thinking of starting a post just like yours :)

I believe.....either one says.....IMO...IME....or 'From experience....'....or 'From what I know.....'....or..'What may happen.....'.

I love it when people give straight direct statements, although I have done that several times in the past....although now you notice....almost every time I give my judgment, I always start with IMO...or IME.....or...'in my opinion.....

Hi Krish. You know what is funny, i thought of the exact same thing today! I was thinking of starting a post just like yours

I believe.....either one says.....IMO...IME....or 'From experience....'....or 'From what I know.....'....or..'What may happen.....'.

I love it when people give straight direct statements, although I have done that several times in the past....although now you notice....almost every time I give my judgment, I always start with IMO...or IME.....or...'in my opinion.....


Great minds think alike Ilham:), but do I really mean that?:rolleyes: LOL Joking man. You've got to be one of the most honest people around:)
the truth is we all want to come visit you for some r&r in the more pleasant climate. maybe someone needs a reef tank-sitter?
the truth is we all want to come visit you for some r&r in the more pleasant climate. maybe someone needs a reef tank-sitter?

Anytime man...I think all of RF should come visit!:)
Really..... thats around ten thousand...And to think im only one:(...Well never the less there is a strong point you bring to the table...And Hopefully ...Some people wil think before they post...Like my spilling...:lol:I mean spelling:)
TBH you have to have a long laundry list of possitive forum history and rapport for me to take anything said too seriously, but I see what you are getting at Krish. PM me when I'm guilty :) lol
TBH you have to have a long laundry list of possitive forum history and rapport for me to take anything said too seriously, but I see what you are getting at Krish. PM me when I'm guilty lol

LOL...No problem man:) I do kid a lot huh?:rolleyes: Yeah, I'm only serious sometimes, but I'm honest;)
LOL...No problem man I do kid a lot huh? Yeah, I'm only serious sometimes, but I'm honest

hmm you serious ??? ahh hha :D ..
I agree with you dood :) ... but the truth is... i love Steve's fat breakfast potatoes :D... yummi.
TBH you have to have a long laundry list of possitive forum history and rapport for me to take anything said too seriously, but I see what you are getting at Krish. PM me when I'm guilty lol

dood the only thing you are guilty of is ....for not putting signs in your tank saying "Dori just keep swimming" and " Clams are friends not food" :lol:... sorry dood i just couldn't handle myself.
hmm you serious ??? ahh hha ..
I agree with you dood ... but the truth is... i love Steve's fat breakfast potatoes ... yummi.

LOL...Yeah Steve's a cool fellow:cool: even though he's cheezy! You know it ain't easy being cheezy Steve!:D Isn't it funny how even my serious threads turn into a joke after a few posts!:lol:
LOL...Yeah Steve's a cool fellow even though he's cheezy! You know it ain't easy being cheezy Steve!

dood he's from Kentucky not from Wisconsin... in that case it'd be, it ain'ts easy being .. greasy? fried? :p

Isn't it funny how even my serious threads turn into a joke after a few posts! ...I dread funerals man...

Hey what did i do ? :D
I'm gonna offer up a few more abreviations for use, at least by me ;)
1. IRDKS- I really don't know S%$#
2. TIALOC- this is a load of C%^$
3. IKMODC- I know my opinion doesnt count
4. FMAIYFF- follow my advice if you feel foolish
5. IDKADT- I don't know a dam* thing
6. SWKBMO- someone who knows, bail me out

and my personal favorite

7. OSHITTA- oh should have I taken that advice:shock:
I'm gonna offer up a few more abreviations for use, at least by me
1. IRDKS- I really don't know S%$#
2. TIALOC- this is a load of C%^$
3. IKMODC- I know my opinion doesnt count
4. FMAIYFF- follow my advice if you feel foolish
5. IDKADT- I don't know a dam* thing
6. SWKBMO- someone who knows, bail me out

and my personal favorite

7. OSHITTA- oh should have I taken that advice

LMBO!!!! those are some good ones partner i think i'm gonna start using them :lol: