PLEASE be honest when you post

Reef Aquarium & Tank Building Forum

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LOL...You go to jail in the Bahamas for bleaching reefs! People do it to catch crawfish but is a big No No. I think taking out the fish first Tim, was the right thing:) Hey... I flush half dead fish! Not right, but what is? Matter of opinion I guess. Just like common sense. What is common to me may not be common to you:)
I actually know several people who have joined RF and are afraid to post. We take it for what it is. Even if the information is wrong or partially correct, either one just doesn't say anything about it, or is corrected in a stimulating conversation.
Ahhh see that is what I dont want to hear. In the earlier days of reef keeping we made mistakes and guesses that you would not believe. But through trail and error the hobby has become much more sucessful. Personally I dont care how a hobbist approaches thier tank, natural, BB, DSB or mechanical. Its thier tank, its in thier house and its thier hobby. What I do try to do is to let folks know the pros and cons of each system, or the biology that is behind what they are doing. From this folks have a better chance at having a good tank with low death rates.
Again what we want to do hear is to bring the info to the fore front, discuss its benefits and draw backs. Once a person has that info it all turns back to personal choice and what the hobbist is looking for in this hobby. Soe folks like lots of micro fauna, and swayin corals and anenomes, some like the look of a hard reef, to some its a never ending science project and to others its all about the color it brings to the Living room. Who are we to tell someone what they should like or dislike??? All we can do is bring them the info to make them sucessful, if we can do that we win.

Danny, I have no idea what you said?? and I dont think I want to know what you said, lol

Completely off the subject but I have a mental list of great inventions that someday I would like to thank the inventor (like duct tape and the undo button on microsoft word). Oreos are definitely on that list.
mojoreef said:
Who are we to tell someone what they should like or dislike??? All we can do is bring them the info to make them sucessful, if we can do that we win.


Hi Mike. I think we are on topic here. I was saying that we shouldn't be directing people what they should or not do, which is why in my other post, I sort of said that some just 'keep it to themselves'. Then there are those that will present the information like you said, which will be good for both sides, and the hobby.

I think intimidation from posting here isn't the fear of being bashed (as in well...possibly other boards...), but just one of 'being new'. But you know we were all 'new reefers' at some point, so really there really is nothing to worry about posting.

I think I got over being intimidated from posting when I started to post a little more than usual and asking questions, and what not.

I am about to seriously promote RUGF's for REEF tanks here at RF. Is this considered hijacking in light of Mojo's last post ?

No, I'm not kidding in the least. Get out your fire estinguishers folks, the fuel is stacked very high, and I will light it in a new thread by Monday.

I'm outta here for the day.

In all HONESTY, Krish, RUGF is the "only way to go" ! ! !

> Barry :)
You go Moortim!!!!!!!

Elmo I hear ya, we were all newbies once, I do understand that being new can be intimidating and thier is not much we can do about that, more of a personal thing. Usually as time goes by folks feel a little warmer to the members as they get to know them.

We are going to be setting up a newbie forum here of RF to see if it can help with that.

We are going to be setting up a newbie forum here of RF to see if it can help with that.


That's awesome man...Now I won't have to go searching for the newbies, but will know where to find them and welcome them:)
Ok so about the bleach thing................
what if someone (possibly myself) has done that in the past
(not on a salt tank mind you, but it is very effective against certain types of FW snails and algae)

LOL !! :lol: awesome dood :D .
what i was refering is like you tell someone to dump some bleach with fishes corals and everything in between.
or if the person doesn't know what to feed the fishes and someone all of a sudden tell him to dump some hard eggs, may be some salmon cooked in some nice tasty butter with a little bread... then there's something wrong :D.

We are going to be setting up a newbie forum here of RF to see if it can help with that

yuuhhuu finally there's gonna be a forum for me :D :p, you know Mike, Krish and i could be the mods for the water fountain :lol: .
mojoreef said:
We are going to be setting up a newbie forum here of RF to see if it can help with that.


This is a great idea. I could use all the help I can find. There seems to be alot of new folks joining the hobby lately.

Yeah, being honest is necessary. Some people make up ridiculous stories and misinform others. Hear this, for example. "This one guy" said that once his friend filled up his Porsche with diesel fuel by accident, then started it and the car ran super loud and would not stop when he turned the ignition off. Then he had to rebuild the whole engine!

What a bunch of BS. First of all, diesel fuel would not even burn in a gas car. At most, it would clog up the fuel injectors and stall the engine. Second, "runaway diesels", on which he has obviously based his story, "run away" on oil seeping past the valves, not on the diesel fuel itself. And third, diesel nozzles here in the US do not fit into a gas car filler tube (they are made too wide so that people would not make such a mistake).

But you should have seen how many replies his post got, with poor souls being all freaked out. What a lying jerk. I imagine something similar can happen in relation to reef tank discussion. Yeah, I agree, be honest.
Yeah, being honest is necessary. Some people make up ridiculous stories and misinform others. Hear this, for example. "This one guy" said that once his friend filled up his Porsche with diesel fuel by accident, then started it and the car ran super loud and would not stop when he turned the ignition off. Then he had to rebuild the whole engine!

What a bunch of BS. First of all, diesel fuel would not even burn in a gas car. At most, it would clog up the fuel injectors and stall the engine. Second, "runaway diesels", on which he has obviously based his story, "run away" on oil seeping past the valves, not on the diesel fuel itself. And third, diesel nozzles here in the US do not fit into a gas car filler tube (they are made too wide so that people would not make such a mistake).

But you should have seen how many replies his post got, with poor souls being all freaked out. What a lying jerk. I imagine something similar can happen in relation to reef tank discussion. Yeah, I agree, be honest.

hmm yeah, I think now i need a knowing your car 101 :p because i seriously don't know anything about cars... i don't even know how to drive them (pretty soon pretty soon), so i think i'd have believe it :oops: .
Now, dood you should start a thread for the newbs like me (HA probably i'm the only 22 year old woman that doesn't know how to drive in here :D )that don't have a clue on cars :shock: :D .
aquarookie said:
Yeah, being honest is necessary. Some people make up ridiculous stories and misinform others. Hear this, for example. "This one guy" said that once his friend filled up his Porsche with diesel fuel by accident, then started it and the car ran super loud and would not stop when he turned the ignition off. Then he had to rebuild the whole engine!

What a bunch of BS. First of all, diesel fuel would not even burn in a gas car. At most, it would clog up the fuel injectors and stall the engine. Second, "runaway diesels", on which he has obviously based his story, "run away" on oil seeping past the valves, not on the diesel fuel itself. And third, diesel nozzles here in the US do not fit into a gas car filler tube (they are made too wide so that people would not make such a mistake).

But you should have seen how many replies his post got, with poor souls being all freaked out. What a lying jerk. I imagine something similar can happen in relation to reef tank discussion. Yeah, I agree, be honest.

Careful, depending on which FI system a porsche or VW is equipt with it IS possible. FYI a run away is caused by un regulated combustible entering the the combustion chamber on the compression stroke. Either past the rings or turbo component. FYI gas hole size pre catilyst is a unregulated diameter.

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I can honestly say, this frikin hobby rocks. Just when you think your tank is running good. Your tank flips the bird and laughs in your face. Next thing you know your pulling your hair out trying to figure out the problem. When you ask on any chat forums the most common answer is, use the search option to find your answer.

Thats all fine and dandy if you know what you are looking for hahaha.
I can honestly say, this frikin hobby rocks. Just when you think your tank is running good. Your tank flips the bird and laughs in your face. Next thing you know your pulling your hair out trying to figure out the problem. When you ask on any chat forums the most common answer is, use the search option to find your answer.

Thats all fine and dandy if you know what you are looking for hahaha.

Ummm...Hello??? Ron aren't you supposed to be setting up your new tank?? You already finished that cool stand and we are all waiting for the tank to go on it (LOL) :)
Now I guess I better be serious for a minute. :doubt:

Anyway, I have to say that I never really noticed any "dishonesty" per se here. I know there are a lot of opinions about what works best etc, but it seems to me that most people are offering up what works well or not so well for them. I see and hear about a lot of successful systems that use many different techniques. I think there are so many variables it would be impossible to say there is one absolute way to have a reef. For example I may have a different water source so my technique may work completely different than someone who does the same thing but maybe has a different water supply. So what works for me may not work for someone else. The good thing is that there is so much experience here, that for people like me who are learning, it gives us a lot of different ideas to try until we have success. Another thing is that when people ask questions here there aren't the standard replies from other sites like "do a search moron, that has been discussed 1000 times already". I think the newbie forum is a great idea, but I hope it doesn't prevent them from posting in other threads as well. That was the way I felt over on "that other site", and yes when I first came to this site I was a little afraid to ask things for fear of being treated the way I was there. It couldn't have been further from the truth here....:D
That was the way I felt over on "that other site", and yes when I first came to this site I was a little afraid to ask things for fear of being treated the way I was there. It couldn't have been further from the truth here....

dood i'm glad you post and you know you are the law inforcement so instead we should be the ones afraid :D :p ... just joking.
One thing i do hate from other sites is the "do a search" because it could be an emergency or something that I'm worried about and i don't know if i'm the only one but i hate reading through long pages to find a possible answer, it frustrates me, gives me headaches, my kid looks at me like... ohh boy here we go with the little Einsteins movie for the 5th time :p,and unless i don't hear it from someone i'm gonna be thinking about it and not sleeping.