Please chime in....anyone and everyone....what are the effects of blood in the tank?

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Sep 14, 2010
I am curious what the effects or potential negative impacts of blood in the aquarium. I recently got bit and bled a decent amount into the tank and want to know what to expect. I don't know of any tests that will help here so I am hoping to get some input from you guys.

Thanks in advance.
Anybody got any clue? Is this in the wrong section?

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Bit by what, a shark? Are you sure you know how to handle them things?:confused:

How much blood are we talking? Enough to look like the water in a jaws movie?:rolleyes:
I hope you are allright.:) I would say add some new carbon and do a water change, but I wouldn't think it could do serious harm.
yes shark....nice catch....and it wasn't a ton of blood but at least 20 or so drops....I just saw a stream come out and my larger shark started going nuts.....should have fed the smaller one too got active. But seriously the large one was going insane in the tank. I started feeling anxious watching him go back and forth, back and forth....and quickly too.
I feel bad for the shark. It's like putting a starving man in a steakhouse blindfolded and they never find the steak that they are smelling! Guess the worst thing that will probably happen is stress on the fish.
Well don't feel too bad....outside of his "snack" I fed him shortly after to calm him down. I am just worried about what it might do to my water and remaining corals.
I am curious what the effects or potential negative impacts of blood in the aquarium. I recently got bit and bled a decent amount into the tank and want to know what to expect. I don't know of any tests that will help here so I am hoping to get some input from you guys.

Thanks in advance.

It shouldnt hurt anything. I cut my arm on a unsanded sump baffel bad enough to get ten stitches. Tank was fine.
LOL I'd keep my hands out all the time. Now that they have the taste of blood!
I dont remember what size tank it is but if you have a shark, you have a large tank. That little blood will dissipate quickly. Unless you have a blood disease that will affect the fish, which I doubt, its not going to have any adverse effects on anything. I think you experienced the worst it would do.
I would guess that blood in the tank is far less a concern than making sure you cleaned the wound properly.
I'm with Chicas on this one, the blood will have no affect other than short term shark behavior. Because of a closed system with a higher than normal bacteria population I'd be much more concerned about infection in your wound.

Good Luck and keep us posted, Todd
Should be good. Can't think of anything toxic in the blood. As for the living cells in the blood, they were all probably completely lysed by the ionic pressure from the salt. The human body is at about 0.9% saline, your tank is at about 3.5% saline. Might not sound like a huge difference, but it is. The blood cells all immediately imploded due to the pressure.

At that point, the proteins would spill out and go into the food chain. The only heavy metal present in any large amount would be the iron from the hemoglobin in your red cells, and that can actually have a beneficial affect, as long as it isn't overdosed (which you wouldn't even be close to doing unless you lost a LOT of bood:

iron dosing? - Reef Central Online Community

So, a little blood in the tank is probably good for the system. Add in some amino acids, a little iron, vitamins, bioorganic molecules, etc. Bacteria will break down the cell membranes. Hope it puts you at ease. I wouldn't even run carbon or anything to try to clear it, as it actually seems that it would be beneficial. Maybe I don't know what I'm talking about though, just my educated analysis of it.
Awesome! I'm glad I read that "What Do You Do" thread or I'd be like "what the heck are you talking about" :). Plus one for you!
sorry, i'm still getting used to the new site, I can, and did plus one! ReefLogic I hope your hand gets better, keep us advised if it gets infected, I've read a lot about how dangerous these tanks can be and we could all learn form things like this (IMO).
It shouldnt hurt anything. I cut my arm on a unsanded sump baffel bad enough to get ten stitches. Tank was fine.

I've done the exact same thing. I had a 30g cube and I cut the skin off the top of my knuckle on a glass baffle that was unsanded. I bled alot, like a stuck hog. I didn't have any problems in the reef.

As for using blood to encourage the sharks to eat, I certainly wouldnt do that. The scent of the fish food alone is enough to get them very interested. If you search "BCT182" on youtube, you'll find my feeding time video. My black tip would gracefully pace the tank, almost in autopilot. Once the food hit the water, his swim pattern would change dramatically. He would comb the live rock like a drug dog on a pile of luggage at the airport.

I'm actually surprised you were cut at all by the bite. He must have gotten you just right. I once had to stick two fingers in the mouth of my black tip because during acclimation he was suffocated by the bag. He was thrashing and rolling. I couldn't find the end of the bag in time and he sunk to the bottom of the tank. My only option was to tear a new hole to open things up and allow him to breathe. I tore a hole open and pulled him out head first. He sank to the bottom of the tank and was motionless. I picked him up and kinda "push started" him. He bumped into a few rocks for 10 to 15 minutes and was fine after that.
I wasn't really that wounded....I mostly blame it on my hand being in the tank for like 15 min before the "incident" and am thinking that most of the damage was due to soft flesh....well....and sharp teeth of course. I will say it has been iching a little today. But outside of that I don't notice any spreading redness or anything like that. I used a bit of Hydrogen Pyroxide shortly after the bite and I am hoping that removed any potential addition to neosporin.

Sad to say I have seen every video you have posted BCT182....and wish there were more. What I found amazing in both your video's and my experiences is my current, and the new temp tank as well.....look to be just fine size wise....until the food, or blood, hits the water....then it looks really....REALLY small when the sharks get active.