Please HELP! Which Calcium Reactor to buy?

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. I didnt really beleive in calcium reactors until I saw what a deltec could do.

I picked up a used geo because every one raved about how great they were. I see the same comments over and over about deltec but have really only seen 2 and neither is still running. You say "what a deltec can do". What exactly can a deltec "do".
I dont mind a $200 mistake but a $6 or 700 mistake is another story. This may be the route I go but I still need to do some more research.

Don - what are the issues you are having with the Geo? I don't see anywhere where you outlined those.

I'm curious as I was one of those people that raved about the Geo. :)
Don - what are the issues you are having with the Geo? I don't see anywhere where you outlined those.

I'm curious as I was one of those people that raved about the Geo. :)

The alk output is just not there. I should say the alk output that I expect, which is at least 60 with minimal co2.
Right now it barely pushing out 30 with enough co2 to drive down the tank. Not my idea of efficient, and dont like the idea of having to deal with ph issues caused by it. Other than that the build quality is outstanding.

Don if this reactor is made so well then what would needed to be modded to fix the issues?
I had problems with my skimmer, very well built but didn't skim worth a poop, so I modded it & now it is awesome, point is the basic unit was well made but the put together design was slightly flawed, so I made to better than expected afterward. I just wonder if this can be done with the GEO?
Don if this reactor is made so well then what would needed to be modded to fix the issues?
I had problems with my skimmer, very well built but didn't skim worth a poop, so I modded it & now it is awesome, point is the basic unit was well made but the put together design was slightly flawed, so I made to better than expected afterward. I just wonder if this can be done with the GEO?

Its going to be a sulfer denitrator when I'm done so no loss I guess.

Ok Don please help me this this one, what is a sulfur denitrator (sounds like it reduces sulfur) & why is there a need for one?
What can A Deltec Do?

Well this is just one mans opinion but I have seen better coral growth with the deltec reactors as well as better coraline growth. They are real easy to install,operate and maintain. I take care of 10 aquariums with Deltec reactors and about 4 with other types. My Deltec aquariums seem to do alot better without the hassles I have with the other reactors. the others seem too finiky. I am not sure why the 2 you know about are not running but they should:D

I'm not saying that the others dont work I'm just sayin that Deltec works really good. For me at least. You get what you pay for, ya know?

Good Luck
I am not sure why the 2 you know about are not running but they should:D

I think your reasoning is a bit off. The reason the two deltecs are not running. One exploded and the other fell apart, but I'm not concerned about that.

I would be more interested in some real info. Like bubble count, effluent rate, and especially effluent dkh.

I agree with Don. If those using GEOs out there can post their bubble count and effluent rate, and the resulting DKH and Calcium effluent output, then other could see if they can duplicate. Nothing better than knowing combinations that actually work for someone. In my example, the Calcium level in the aquarium is 380, and the effluent is 400. I assumed that the effluent would need to be a little higher to maintain 400 in the 300 gal tank. Example settling would be great from those role models out there who know how to use these GEO devices effectively.
Well DonW I think the question posted here was "What is the easiest to set up and dial in". Its cool if you dont like Deltec but I was just answering the question for the guy. Sorry if I offended you & i was just having some fun about the 2 reactors. Chill man this is a hobby.
Well DonW I think the question posted here was "What is the easiest to set up and dial in". Its cool if you dont like Deltec but I was just answering the question for the guy. Sorry if I offended you & i was just having some fun about the 2 reactors. Chill man this is a hobby.

Not offedend at all who said I didnt like Deltec, I'm thinking about buying one. You stated only a brand name, not a real why. Also stated there many Deltecs running on tanks you take care for. I would think my questions are very simple to answer for someone that uses so many Deltecs and are important when choosing a reactor.

I agree with Don. If those using GEOs out there can post their bubble count and effluent rate, and the resulting DKH and Calcium effluent output, then other could see if they can duplicate. Nothing better than knowing combinations that actually work for someone. In my example, the Calcium level in the aquarium is 380, and the effluent is 400. I assumed that the effluent would need to be a little higher to maintain 400 in the 300 gal tank. Example settling would be great from those role models out there who know how to use these GEO devices effectively.

Here is what I found as of last night.
The Geo Effluent rate 100ml/m alk35 60 co2 bubbles per minute.
The little shuran Effluent rate 200 ml/m alk 78 60 co2 bubbles per minute

I dont measure ca, its just a waste of the test kit. You can get real close if you look at the balanced ca. And if the tank is in balance.
At 35 dkh balanced ca is 611
At 78 dkh balanced ca is 918

If you look at the numbers the schuran is working great, but will have to be refilled by early next week and was just filled on sunday. This is the reason I'm shopping for a new reactor that holds alot more media than the tiny schuran.

Ahhh I seeeee.
So then bigger IS better:lol:

Think my tiny coralview 250 will be enough on my 180? Guess even if the cheapo unit is fine for now, as the corals get bigger, their calcium needs will grow too?
Ahhh I seeeee.
So then bigger IS better:lol:

Think my tiny coralview 250 will be enough on my 180? Guess even if the cheapo unit is fine for now, as the corals get bigger, their calcium needs will grow too?

Yup and coraline is a big one. If you can or want to keep it scraped then you'll need less. Clams are another big consumer, a couple 10" clams will use quite abit.

Thanks Don, never thought of the coraline. Was just looking at my frags, few small colonys and 2 baby clams. Time to scrape the sides. (the rock probably has 10 Xs as much)

Maybe I should sell my new in box coralvue reactor and look for a larger used complete system. Any leads?
Thanks Don, never thought of the coraline. Was just looking at my frags, few small colonys and 2 baby clams. Time to scrape the sides. (the rock probably has 10 Xs as much)

Maybe I should sell my new in box coralvue reactor and look for a larger used complete system. Any leads?

Not anything I'd want for myself or recomend. I'm leaning towards a second schuran since the first one is so simple. I dont think they get any easier than the little schurans.

I have a Shuran Jetstream 1 and a Geo 618. The Geo holds much more media, but the pump does not circulate as much water (1048 Geo pump, 1250 Shuran pump) through the media. I only have the GEO for a short period of time. I actually think it is easier to use than the Shuran Jetstream 1. That comment is subjective. I use a different CO2 regulator on them, so the comparison is flawed. They are very close.

How do you know if a tank is in balance with regard to calcium?