Please ID these!

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Well-known member
Jan 17, 2010
This is some kind of mushroom...I think



This is something that has grown on my tank. it seems to be eating corals and anything that is in its way. I am wondering if it is an egg sack? I took it off and it came off in one piece but was a hollow tube shape...It had a gritty elastic type texture

The first and second picture look, to me, to be Bubble Coral. Probably Plerogyra sinuosa. Although, I suppose it could be some type of mushroom. How large would you estimate the "bubbles" to be? Does it appear to be growing out of a skeleton?

The 3rd pic is a mystery, as I can't even tell what you're taking a picture of. Maybe try removing it from the tank, putting it in a different container and take a picture of it.
The first one not only has a mouth like a mushroom, its orange, but it has two babies that dont have the bubbles yet. The guy i got these from (ttoollbox) had a bunch in his tank and he was not sure what they were either but they move around and drop babies as they go.
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Here is a pic of it when I took it out of the tank. It is still atached to what is left of my frags. This is the second one that I have taken out of the tank.
My guess for the 1st one is a green St Thomas mushroom.

2nd one I cant see very well, but if it's eating your corals, then I would get rid off all that I see of it.

The st thomas was my first guess but it has huge bubbles. I have looked and have not been able to find something that looks like it.

As far as the second one I dont think it is alive. I have no clue what it is but I know its not good for my corals so I have removed what I could see. This is the second time I have removed it so I figured that I should find out what it is.
perhaps if you get the rock under normal lighting or use the flash we could see better what it is (coral killer) the supplemental picture on the top of your tank is still too blue washed to see what your seeing
perhaps if you get the rock under normal lighting or use the flash we could see better what it is (coral killer) the supplemental picture on the top of your tank is still too blue washed to see what your seeing

I know the pics suck, sorry, I have already taken it off the rock but if it comes back I will try to take a better pic of it.