Plum Crazy Acro Problem

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Jul 31, 2007
I had some algae get caught on this acro. There was a couple white patch from that and I was fine with it since I was sure it would recover. Well today I noticed some white areas around some coralites. Here's a pic of what I'm talking about. The right half shows what I'm concerned about.

I just lost colony of this, not sure why but it never really seemed to settle in to the tank.
Mine is still doing very well. I will watch it close though. I'd suggest you dab superglue on those white spots. This will keep algae from growing there. The coral will encrust over the superglue.

Great advice... I plan on doing this tomorrow on a coral that has the same issue with algae.
I think its to wide spread for the super glue trick. Its not really tissue recession. It could be some small bleaching. I did change my bulb last week, and a couple days ago took off the 2 layers of screen I was using for photo acclimating.
Does it get very direct flow? sometimes when there is too much flow on the SPS the flesh literally gets blown away and algae settles, happened to a few of my corals but when I moved them they grew back just fine.
To me it looks like it has been infected by AEFW. Try doing a melafix dip and see if oval shaped whitish tan colored stuff come off of it. Mix 1qt. of salt water to 5ml of melafix.
I will check when I wake up, but before I went to work the white areas weren't really there. It was just sliming up a bit. This coral is perplexing me. I think the best option is to do nothing at all. I'll do a water change, but I think its got to make a move one way or another before I'll do any drastic measures. Also it doesn't get that direct of flow. Its towards the bottom where there is a nice gentle flow.
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