I had suspected that the ORA mandarins would at least be picky, slow eaters. And the exorbitant price along with the high shipping cost far exceeds what I am willing to spend on any fish - that's why I do not have a queen angel or the like in my aquarium; I have never spent more than $40 for any fish in my life, and do not intend to. I am all for the development of aquaculture towards the end of preserving the reefs, but only at a reasonable cost. Please excuse my kicking a "sacred cow", but I find it hard to believe that ORA is charging so much more than the price of a wild-caught mandarin because their cost is that much higher. Other aquacultured fish, such as clowns, cost little more than their wild-collected counterparts, and that is the way I want to see our hobby go. As for trying to keep a mandarin, looks like I'll have to give up that idea or else raise pods in buckets to sustain it. I now wish I had been able to find room to set up the 90g tank I recently sold !