POLL: Salt Mix

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Which Salt Mix is your preference?

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mojoreef said:
Thanks Mike!

I use Seattle Aquarium water (which is slightly low in salinity), and was thinking of adding a bit of this to bring the salinity up a bit. My reasoning is that since some of the major additives (buffer, calcium chloride) add sodium and chlorides (that don't get consumed) anyway, it wouldn't hurt to start a bit low on those ions and have then climb to normal over time (as opposed to starting normal and having them climb high over time).

Comments? Concerns?
hmm... interesting idea... just to raise the salinity?

I am going to do some research on that one...

Where could I buy sodium chloride locally and how much would be needed?
It says 80 lbs of sodium chloride per bucket of the "other salts". As for where - that might take a bit of research into local chemical supply houses as well as purity of the sodium chlorides available.
Vicki said:
What is your preference in Salt Mixes?
I'm starting to get low and want to be sure I get a good one.

Thanks for your time.

IO-and don't plan on switching anytime soon. Yes, I have trouble with cal, mg, and sr levels (which indicates that there are probably problems with minor elements in my salt), but since I have just started with this hobby and this is what I started with, I feel totally comfortable in mixing it.

Detri said:
I ended up buying IO. Since that was the majority and all the tanks that I have seen in pics prove it works well, I figured why not go with the majority and save a few bucks too.

I beleive thats why you are expected to use a QT and acclimate the fish with small amounts if tank water in the bag before you add the fish to the water. It may still shock it a bit. But atleast the fish has a bit in its system first.
I have also heard that you don't do a switch on salt brands too abruptly as it will cause your tank to crash. Different salts have different make-ups. I try to think of it like switching baby formula's on your baby all of the sudden. They are all supposedly basically the same thing--but if you switch too abruptly you will have a very very grumpy baby (and a sleepless night). Switch slowly.

Not the results I was expecting, I'll have to reevaluate my oppinions of IO..

I've been using Oceanic for over a year, first buying my water premixed from SWC (when they still used Oceanic) and later mixing my own.

We just switched our reef entirely over to Tropic Marin, but its still to early to get any impressions. My fox coral definatly liked it, and I believe I can see a difference in all my LPS, mostly the fox and my diplostrea. Our ricordia is AMAZING, but my Anemone is unhappy.

I'm going to switch my fish only to IO so I can buy from Kahuna Corals. They currently get Kent, because a neigbor gave it to me, and I've run out of Oceanic, but I'm gonna toss it. It takes forever to mix, and I'm not please with the looks of the few corals in that tank...
other: pure clean local seawater or buy the seawater at the lfs
i cant imagine what it would be like to mix salt i did recive half bag of salt and only use it when low salinity and that bad is Aquaasonic Ocean Natuer
my lfs owner doesn't carry reef crystals, but he has instant ocean. he said it wasn't worth the extra $$$ for reef crystals because the extra trace elements just precipitate out as soon as its mixed. he always talks up his products over others if he doesn't have it, so i don't know if this is true. anyone???
I use reef crystals, I am on my second bucket, I love it, to me it's worth the extra 3-4bucks at fosters and smith ( no weight fee either and 10$ shipping can't be beat) Mixes just like IO but with more CA and ALK, never tested Mg so I can't say.
I have used IO, Reef Crystals and Tropic Marin. I like the numbers that I got with Tropic Marin the best but my tank seems to its best when I'm using IO or Reef Crystals. I can get a 150G box of IO for $29.99 locally and although I do need to add some Mg and Ca to it, I find that it is still more economical than any other salt (since even with the Reef Crystals I find that I have to add Mg and Ca, just not as much).

If it's the most economical and my tank does best with it, then I'm going with it. IO for me all the way.
I started with Kent and switched to Red Sea when it first came out. The price went up $10 at Petsmart where I used to get it so I switched to natural saltwater from the Seattle Aquarium.

After I calculated in the gas and such it came out cheaper and I noticed a difference right away but if I had to pick one I'd say Red Sea.

Though Ive never tried IO.