Pollops Not Extending Help

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Nov 28, 2008
So I have a 75g display with a 45 sump and 15 fuge all my tests have come back normal except calcium it is about 525. It got that way when I was setting up a new calc reactor, I have since shut it off and went back to dosing the Kent a+b solution but only part B to keep the ph constant. I have mostly sps corals and the color looks fine just no pollops for about a two weeks so Im getting a little worried. I have done two 15% water changes but I believe the salt has trace elemnets that include calcium in it. Any Ideas?
Water changes will fix the calcium excess if indeed it is too high. Yes all marine salts have Ca, but it is in correct balance. Water changes will temporarily cure most anything that is wrong in a marine aquarium outside of temp, lighting and O2.
Most likely the Ca is not the problem and perhaps it is as Shauna suggested a problem in Alk. Why do you have to dose to keep the PH up? Is your fish load in excess of the filtration/water change capabilities.
My dkh is 11.2 calc is 500+ and I beleive my ph is low. Chemical tests say 7.9 or 8.0 hard to tell but around there not sure if it is accurate going to have the lfs test it. The problem started when I hooked up a calc reactor and then calcium shot up. I am thinking that my ph is too low and Im not off gassing the co2 enough. I only have a yellow goby flame angel 2" clarki and dragon goby, so no huge fish load here. Am I wrong in thinking it is my ph that is too low? I have my sump in a large cabinet in the garage and check it almost everyday so I am geting some decent gas exchange out there. Im at a loss. Could my mag be low I have not tested that yet?
generally you can't maintain alkalinity if your mag is low - so that shouldn't be the problem. It's probable that your corals just got a little shocked - are they still colored well?
Color was great prior to this problem, faded to brown on alot of them, but is now coming back. I have pollops on things like birds nest, red setosa and orange digita but not so much on things like blue stag, green slimer, and pink pocalapora. So im confussed I tested my water against my lfs display tank and got almost the same just my alk was 8.0 and lfs was 10.2.
Color was great prior to this problem, faded to brown on alot of them, but is now coming back. I have pollops on things like birds nest, red setosa and orange digita but not so much on things like blue stag, green slimer, and pink pocalapora. So Im confussed I tested my water against my lfs display tank and got almost the same just my alk was 8.0 and lfs was 10.2.
Color was great prior to this problem, faded to brown on alot of them, but is now coming back. I have pollops on things like birds nest, red setosa and orange digita but not so much on things like blue stag, green slimer, and pink pocalapora. So Im confussed I tested my water against my lfs display tank and got almost the same just my alk was 8.0 (down from 11.2 4 days ago)and lfs was 10.2.
I would be inclined to think that like many many things in the reefing hobby is that it takes time for changes to show and you did the right thing stopping with your reactor while you relevel the tank. I think that your continued dilligence will pay off and the corals will resume normal behavior once the shock wears off. I'm sorry that I can't be of more help, but that' my instincitve answer for you. Your levels are looking pretty good to me.
I was hoping you all can give some input on polyp extensions in normal behavior of sps.

I noticed my Birds Nests stay fuzzy almost always. Well one day I got a little too happy with the Rotifers and squirted more than i should have. All the polyps hours later were sucked in. I was in fear of bleaching now.. (the water tested just fine and this was after a typical weekly maintenance) .. believe me I have been ontop of my tank and things are growing like mad.

It wasnt a big deal as about 2 days later they were out and fluffyer than ever.
This lead me to think they they grabbed onto a lot of foods and sucked in (mouth full i guess).

The info above isnt a problem but just giving you some info here.

Now onto something I was told.. Over extended polyps on things like LPS may be signs they are not getting enough food. So can I assume with info above this when they are well fed they don't extend for a bit as they digest and poop...?

So is it normal from time to time for the polyps to suck in for a day or so...because almost always they are out...and only when I over squirted Reef Nutritions Rotifers did I see an abnormal reaction from my bird nests. Otherwise the rest of my corals were behaving like normal...
Ok thankyou for your input Salty. I checked last night and the pollops are out at night but not during the day. Prob just the beginning of coming out during the day and getting over the shock is my guess. Anyway thanks for your input.