porc puffer is dying

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Nov 23, 2007
I just recently finished treatign my puffer with ich. last night i fell asleep around 1:00 AM and woke up at eleven my puffer was stuck against the riser tube for my filter. He's about 2 1/2" andand when i pulled him off he has a suction wound. He's REALLY messed up and moves once and a while breathing very rapidly. what can i do?
actually he's showing some pretty good signs now. the swelling of the area has halfed from that which was present when i found him. he's still messed up but he swam around pretty well. i'm just gonna let him chill.
I wouldn't worry about the suction mark. As said try to keep stress to a minimum.
You could lower the salinity a little to minimize stress.
Is he eating or does he even show interest in food?
Good luck I hope he makes it.
i hope he makes it.. like others said, just try to keep the stress level down and maybe add some vitamins to his diet
Remove him from other tank mates, lower the salinity,make a small cave for him to rest in(under).He will rest hs body underneath the cave entrance.....do not make him swim to get food....take a stick and chop up grocery store bought shrimp soak it in beta glucan and vita chem (excuse the spelling)put a tiny piece on a stick and force feed him....I mean the stick needs to be right on his mouth )pressing against) he will be forced to open his mouth and eat the shrimp.....do not leave any pieces of shrimp floating around the tank whatsoever or the water parameters might stress him out....do frequent small water changes......Trust me I had a porcupine puffer who got halfway stuck in an overflow tube...half his body was inflated the other half he was unable to inflate I had carefully cut the tube to get him out....his inflated (swollen)half of his body stayed inflated for a whole week before it finally went down...it took one month but He is back to his perfect condition as he was before the accident....I also had a cust dogface puffer who jumped out of the tank and was looking pretty bad when we found him.....he also bouced back.....puffer fishes can bounce back they have a very strong will if you nurse him back he will be just fine....dont get lazy on the small water changes and force feeding him with vitamin soaked food...hope he does better.....keep us posted....Aloha
i don't have a quarantine tank any suggestions on how i can go about making a temp? he's in there with a snowflake and a damsel but neither really mess with him (45gallon tall). should i touch him when i try to feed him? that would really help me thanks
If the other fish aren't messing with him, I would leave him in there. Catching the fish and moving to another tank can be more stressful IMO. I have a good feeling about your fish, I am sure he will recover :)
im gonna grab some vita chem and some beta glucan and give that a shot... any idea how long i should soak and could i use krill?
it is best to leave the pufferfish in the tank......do not move him because the stress might have him take a turn for the worst...even if the other fish are not bothering him they may bother him or you when your waving food in front of the puffers mouth if its only a damsel you can put him in a 10 gallon tote from Walmart with a small hang on filter or air stone....Oh and I forgot to mention if the puffer does not take the food or refuses to open his mouth try a little garlic extreme with the food mix....soak it until the food absorbs most of the liquid.....and do frequent small water changes(I cannot stress that enough) so your water parameters do not change and cause the puffer to stress. Krill is fine...the dried krill will soak up the liquids quite well.....also store bought shrimp works really well too.....good luck....keep us posted ....Aloha

im gonna grab some vita chem and some beta glucan and give that a shot... any idea how long i should soak and could i use krill?
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I read back and saw that you also have a snowflake.....the snowflake may try to take the food from the puffer....it is best to remove all tank mates (keep the puffer in his original enviroment (do not move him!!!) instead move the others....and if when your trying to feed the puffer and he swims away....trap him in the coner of the tank....with two fingers hold him down against the bottom substrate for a breif moment(not too long) and put the food on a stick and leave it touching his mouth ...he will open his mouth to try to get away.....when he opens his mouth place the food in his mouth...then release him from your fingers immediately....after a while he will catch on and take the food readily....(you must try this only if he refuses to eat) because he will starve himself to death......make sure that the pieces of food on the stick is small enough to go directly into his mouth but not too small....or he can easily spit it out of his mouth....try sizes of about the width of his mouth....and make sure you do frequent small water changes!!! I am rootin for your puffer.....
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im terribly sorry to say it but the are that was infected worstened severely and his gas bladdered seemed to have given out... he died earlier in the night. im really messed up about it. He showeed some really good signs yesterday but today was just horrible. i really miss him because he was really vivacious and happy and enjoyed to swim. ( i never thought i'd be emotional over a fish). I'll keep my eye out for a baby that reminds me of him
Oh, what a bummer, I am sorry to hear about the poor guy. I know it can be hard to lose a pet, even a fish. My biggest pet loss was my maroon clown from years ago, I still can't stop "kicking myself" for the death of that wonderful fish that I could've avoided. If you can, put a screen or a sponge on your riser tube...
Sooooo sorry to hear you lost your beloved pet......I am going diving this weekend if I see a small porcupine puffer I will catch him and send him to you (on me) hope this will make things a little better.....Aloha Les
Sooooo sorry to hear you lost your beloved pet......I am going diving this weekend if I see a small porcupine puffer I will catch him and send him to you (on me) hope this will make things a little better.....Aloha Les

Thanks man i'd really like that. keep an eye peeled. you can even name him
I'll send him with a name on an adoption certificate (hee hee)....really it doesnt take much to catch a small porcupine puffer.....we can find them at depths of 40 feet or less....I will let you know what comes about this weekend.....or if I go diving sooner....been dying to take the boat out but the weather here (ocean current) has been funky.....my friend who is a dive master went out yesterday and he was having a hard time....he managed to bring in three GDM's though....I can't wait to get back in the water soon.......take care....Aloha.....Les
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