porcilan crab

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Dec 19, 2004
just receved a new porcilin cab today ordered it from one of suporting shops. the shop sayed that it was aa algie eater, but it looks like it may be a filter feader. it was bought to be a part of the cleaner crew. please let me know what it eats so that i can propetly care for it. thank you for the help
Hmmm their are a million types of that crab, some that are not good. Can you give us a discription??

What porcalin crab isnt good? As far as I knew they arent even true crabs and dont follow the general rule of being opertunistic. They are filter feeders not carnivores. When theres nothing to filter in the water, they try to dust off the surfaces of the rocks and sand.
feed them the same thing you would your feather dusters. Things like Phytoplankton and Zooplankton.

I've been looking at getting kent's PhytoMax and ZooMax. I think those would work awesome.
I had one once, but he got mean, started pinching my mandarins tail, so he was banished.
Mean??? I haven't seen that yet.

I've got three of them and all they ever do is put themselves in a crevis or a seculded "safe" spot which has a lot of flow going by it and they sweep use their little tubeworm like scoops to filter food out.

Though they do have some pretty beefy pincers so they can definetly protect themselves but I haven't seen them use them against fish or other organisms yet.

I think that provided enough filter food (Zoo and Photo plankton) they probably won't scavenge for food using the pincers. Though I'm thinking that I might zone feed them some mysis shrimp to see how they react.....

Anyways good luck.