Possible Iminent disaster in the making

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May 16, 2006
Spokane, Washington, United States
Well, Angie's been wanting me to re-aquascape our 75 for awhile now and I've been putting it off until I set up the 113 cube(ish) tank. I planned on some of the live rock and corals from the 75 going into the 113, so I'd do it all at once. Obviously, some of my tank inhabitants agree with Angie and want it done sooner.
I woke up this morning, fed Coral Frenzy a couple hours before lights come on. As I was feeding, I noticed something out of place, but couldn't quite make it out without lights. After lights came on, I realized what was out of place. A LOT OF SAND!!! It would appear that my Pistol Shrimp has relocated overnight and dug a HUGE tunnel, undermining some rock.
Had I set up my 75 correctly, this wouldn't be a problem. However, I didn't...lol. When I set it up, I didn't realize the importance of placing Rock and then sand. Now I'm realizing the folly of my mistake. My tank was set up by placing the sand in first, and then aquascaping the rock on the sand. Most of the base rock was kinda pushed down into the sand, but I can see a possible disaster in the makings. Soooo, time to do a major re-aquascape.
I'm planning this for tomorrow when Madison's in daycare...lol. Otherwise, she'll want to help and that just won't work. I have several large rubbermaide containers and 2 32 gallon garbage cans to utilize. I'm making up one of the garbage cans full of SW today. I'll drain water from tank into rubbermaides and place live rock and corals in these, with a couple powerheads. Fish will go in another with a couple pieces of live rock to keep them company...lol.
I'll also be purchasing some egg crate today...lol. I'm doing it right this time. I'll lay egg crate on bottom of tank, place base rock and then sand. I probably won't utilize all of my sand this time, making it a little shallower than it was. I'll remove the top layer of sand carefully to keep from stirring it up too much, and keep it separate. The rest of sand will be rinsed well before putting it back in tank.
This will also give me a chance to remove my Strawberry Psuedochromis and fix my refugium...lol. Recently, 2 pieces of my bubble trap came loose (bad silicone job) and it's allowed sand into the portion that contains my return pump. When my water level drops, it sucks up sand and blows it into the tank!!!
Anyone have any advice or suggestions??? Wish me luck!!! I'll post before and after pics. Keep your fingers crossed that nothing disastrous happens before tomorrow!!!
i personally would ditch the egg crate on the bottom, just put the rocks down first, that will be plenty stable, then keep your sand at 2" or less.
i'd also ditch the sand in your refugium and replace with rubble live rock, that way no sand can escape into the return chamber, plus rubble is better for pods and easier to clean up.
good luck dude!!
I will wish you luck! Heck of a job in front of you, in the last summer I moved all my inhabitants from a 130g to a 180g temporary set up while I installed new tank) and then combined my 46g and the 180g into my new 390g. Both move days were long and exhausting.

What plans do you have for heating in your holding containers? I found water temp drops rather quickly and it will always take longer to be ready to make the final transfer than what you anticipate!

I agree with skimmy on the eggcrate under the rock, I wouldn't go that route as it really doesn't allow for your burrowing critters to burrow. I have done the rock directly on the tank bottom and then add sand and it worked well. But I really like my current rock racks as they hold the rock up and allow the burrowing critters plenty of tunneling area. They are made with pieces of acrylic with holes drilled in it and then acrylic rods stuck in the holes.

Wow Kris, that's amazing!! Might have to incorporate something like that when I start up the 113. I may have to re-think the egg crate.

I'll probably keep the sand in the refugium. Once I get the piece of glass that's come un-siliconed fixed, I won't have to worry about sand in the return section. For over a year, it ran just fine. I plan on using reef epoxy to fix the glass. I do also have quite a bit of rubble in the refugium portion.

Brett, thanks!! Very greatful!!

As for heat, I'm thinking the powerheads will keep the water warm enough. I don't even have any heaters in the tank. First thing in the morning, when lights have been out the longest, water temp is usually about 74. I do have heaters available if needed. Last time I did a major re-aquascaping, it took about 2 hours to complete. I'm planning a little longer on this one though...lol. Last time was a panic stricken rush, due to having to replace a 75 that had sprung a seal. Luckily I had another 75, empty, on hand.

Oh and I also plan on doing some leveling adjustments to the stand while I'm able to.
I just removed all the rocks from my little tank, cleaned everything then re-arranged it. I had about 30g of new water made & adjusted to same temp. & salinity of the main tank. I removed the LR's & put in a second tall trash can, then filled it with tank water. Then with about an two inches of water I scrubbed the entire tank clean, Then siphoned out that nasty stuff & removed part of the sand also, fish were a Little excited but then & started filling with water from the TC back up to about two inches & stirred it up again while siphoning. After that It was very clean so I started with new sw first, then about half way re-scaped the rocks & then filled with all new water first & then filtered the water from the TC to top off as needed. Big job & this is a RSM 34g tank LOL, so you have your work cut out. Took me 2.5 hours this morning to do it!
Good luck to ya. If I had extra time tomorrow I'de give ya a hand. The only thoughts I had about egg crate is it could possibly protect the bottom of the tank from the weight of a rock smashing into it. Possibly distribute the weight more even. Not sure though because with my 20 gallon I have rocks ontop of sand, but no burrowing annimals.
Hey Mike, Is that the lil pistol shrimp you got from me? He was a big digger :) If I was off tomorrow I would come help, but not off til tuesday:rolleyes: If ya still need help on that day lmk :)
LOL It hasn't gone yet. I've been sooo busy I haven't gotten around to it. Angie is off work today and tomorrow, so hopefully get it done in that time. I will get pics of before and after though. It'll also give me a chance to catch a Strawberry Pseudochromis that I wanna get out of there.
lol...your fired! was hoping to get some nice pics, anyway the offer still stands if you need help let me know, I'm off today and tomorrow also.
thank you all for your offers of help. It won't be that much of a process. I've done it once before when I had a 75 spring a seal!! That sucked...lol. Angie's at work and Madison's at daycare so I've got the house to myself and am attacking the project in a few minutes!! Will post pics in the next day or so.
Well, I'm just about done with the tank re-aquascaping project. I don't think I'm totally happy with it :|, but it's better than it was. I kept some of the live rock out, which allowed me to open things up a little more. I really wanted to do an arch or two, but just didn't have rocks shaped in a way to do it...:lol::lol:.
I was also hoping to create more coral space. I did create more space for corals, but not many more. Still have to have the DIY frag rack in there for now. Not to mention, I created a few new frags during the process :rolleyes:
I guess i'll just have to get the 113 set up soon :D

Stay tuned for pictures, after everything clears up a bit.
Tank hasn't totally cleared up, but here a couple pics.


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