Possible to keep a tang in a 55 gallon?

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A Sailfin and 2 Yellow tangs?? For that amount of fish, assuming that you don't have even more in that small tank, you should have at least a 200 gallon tank. As was said above....poor tangs.

if you read the post a 400 gallon custom built acrylic is in the works within the next year and they are all juvinille fish
"ahh, quit ranting guys, dude small yellow tangs are 24.99 at blue sierra and 29.99 at barrier reef. ...its not that all uncommmon"

Case and point...
If you want to see what size tank a lot of members house there tangs in check out this thread:


A theme you will notice is that most tanks are pretty large, because the tangs require a lot of swimming space. Another thing is that those that house them in smaller tanks in the thread do so with antoher tank already being planned. They know it wont work long term.

Looking through my Scott Micheals Reef fish book, the smallest tank he recomends for tangs is 100Gal. On the board the consensus is that 75 will do for the smaller ones.
There are a lot of other fish that would probably work better in your situation, but like whats been stated already, they are only 25 bucks, can be found almost anywhere and your free to do whatever you want.

On my personal expreience of growth rates of tangs, i would go with a bristletooth as they are one of the more slow growers and not that aggressive. If you do go with anything but a bristletooth, a yellow or (maybe) a scopas, but that is if you only get a tiny one and know that you will probly have to get rid of it within a year or so. DO NOT get any acanthurus, naso, or any of the other zebrasoma's besides listed above as they get too big and aggressive. Hope this helps, and good luck.

some fish just dont do well going from the ocean to a little box, or in this case a tiny box. tangs, butterflies, large angels, etc.. really all need a 150g+ tank, better in a 180-300 if you want them to remotely act like they do in the ocean.
there are so many other appropriate and more colorful fish you can buy for a smaller tank...
hmm now i don't know what's worse..... going to my kid's pediatrician office and seeing sick tangs in the verge of dying in a big tank or seeing tangs in a little fish tank and just going round and round :lol::p.

Ron don't read this thread dood !!! .............Brian pm Ron and tell him not to look in here or he'll end up in the ER .

hmm hmm i think that 1 tang is ok (baby tang .... hippo dime :lol:).
Now if it's gonna take you a year or so to build the tank ... why don't you just first build the tank and then buy the fish .
Hey i get tempted on buying a tang for my 37 but i don't do it because i dont' wanna have to deal with ich and specially seeing him going in circles in my fish bowl .
It's pretty much like saying ..... ohh you can handle being in jail for a year so let's put you in there .... who cares .... that's the way i see it :p.
there's other pretty fishes like wrasses that would definetly grab your attention and would be happy in your tank until you get the big tank ready .
I've got a bunch of fish in my 75. Way more than is ever recommended. The only death I've had in 4 years is my clown (1st fish ever) that jumped out a few months ago. I have had to take like 2 out a few hours after putting them in due to them being attacked by the established fish. No signs of ich or anything else ever. Now with that being said I would agree that I can't say if my fish are "happy" as I haven't figured out how to talk to them yet (but I'm working on it), and I would agree that my tangs don't act "natural" as they spend most of their time swimming in and out of the caves rather than in large sweeping motions like in the wild where they have unlimited space. In my 75 G I have

Medium yellow tang which has not grown any more in 2 years
Kole Tang
Gold stripe Marroon clown
six line wrasse
Yellow tail damsel
Yellow watchman goby
Another goby can't remember species, it's one of the ones that filters rocks
and a huma huma trigger about 1" I had one that grew to about 3.5" he started to get aggresive and was eating to much for my bioload so I traded him in recently for the baby one. That is part of the game if you have a smaller tank. Buy a small fish when it starts to outgrow your tank you need to be willing to part with him for a more appropriate fish. And yes in this hobby a 75G is a "small" tank.
One thing to remember about tangs is the type fish it is. It does not have so much to do about if it is a small one or not. Tangs are swimmers and need room no matter if they are big or small. Kinda like keeping your greyhound locked up in the bathroom.:rolleyes: Gaby I assure you Ron had already seen the thread as of last night. I guess he is kinda like me in that one person on here that has spoken against it has more experience than all the ones saying go for it has combined. What else could he say to change their mind. Besides Ron is on medication and has had blood pressure problems ever since he lost his job at the PP:D
Gaby I assure you Ron had already seen the thread as of last night. I guess he is kinda like me in that one person on here that has spoken against it has more experience than all the ones saying go for it has combined. What else could he say to change their mind. Besides Ron is on medication and has had blood pressure problems ever since he lost his job at the PP

i knew it :lol: .
you know i watched the movie Borat last night :lol: .... and for some reason i thought about the pp :lol: ...... have you seen the website :lol: .

sorry for the hijack :lol:
Being that I have a small tank with "to many tangs" and am a member of the abolish the tang police commity. I must say that people have been keeping tangs in 55g tanks for many many years. It wasnt long ago a 55 was concidered a large aquarium for the average home. My tangs are as healthy as the guy that has the 250g tank, just ask them, they'll tell you thay could'nt be more thrilled to live in my plastic box. Personaly Ive never seen the research that said a tang can only live in a certain size tank. I think its a rumor start by the guy that said you need so many watts per gallon, could be the one that said you have to have so many lbs of lr per gallon or even %^&* that started the inches of fish per gallon rumor.
This hobby and equipment has come a long way since all this started and the rules have changed as have the limits.

Good point Gaby. Ignore Don,s comment. I mean come on...This guy talks to his fish.:p :D
So I can keep 3 tangs in the new 144gal? I will be setting it up this weekend. I will post some pics.
Good point Gaby. Ignore Don,s comment. I mean come on...This guy talks to his fish.:p :D

And you dont, I thought everyone talked to their fish. Isnt that how someone found out that his tang wasnt happy in a 55.:)
