Possible to keep a tang in a 55 gallon?

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Not me. Ron (the whale whisper) talks to them. You have seen him on the job. ;) Now he has talent.:D
There you have it Don. I have seen Ron in action. He knows what fish like.:eek: I am going with the bigger tank idea.:D
let's do some math
6 tangs in a 125g tank
that's 20.83 gallons per fish provided that there are no other fish, corals,anemones,inverts,LR,ect.:razz:
Yeah but they 125 gal of swimming room. Not 20.83 Like I said it is not so much the size of the fish as it is the type of fish.
there are no other fish and no matter how many gallons they have per fish, they still have 6ft of swimming room!!!!!
Not me. Ron (the whale whisper) talks to them. You have seen him on the job. Now he has talent.

dood i told you not to go showing his pic :lol:.... poor Don, you're gonna give him nightmares.

I told you, you have to get them in even numbers he has 6.

he got 6 because that's his lucky number :lol: .
so the 1 inch of fish per gallon of water is a conspiricy
among all LFS to NOT sell you alot of fish LOL
or to sell you a bigger tank
Pretty much. You can put more fish in a tank as long as you are willing to do the water changes. Number/inches of fish also depends on the type fish and how much of a bio-load it will put on the tank.
I think I'm going to have to agree with Don. Who's to say if a 55 gallon or a 125 gallon make a world of difference to a fish that in the wild has a range of God knows how big. I'm sure it is stressed either way in the beginning no matter the size of the box it's forced to spend the rest of its days in. I'm just not sure if 2 ft difference makes that much difference to the fish.
Another point would have to be the amount of rock and coral that are in the tank. If I have a 55 gallon with 20 lbs of rock in the tank does that make it better than a 125 with 200 lbs of rock in it. There may be the same amount of swimming room in both. Also would a 55 gallon be ok if it were 6 ft long and not as tall or is it all measured in the amount of gallons one has.

Now with all that said, I'm a slave to old habits and agree that sounds like to many tangs in a tank that size. I have one yellow tang that did wonderfully in my 55 and now does great in my 75. But if it's working to have more and they don't seem stressed, then perhaps the old rules don't always apply. It wasn't that long ago that we were told never to put different tangs of similiar body style into a tank, but now that rule has been modified as well.

Just my .02
If I have a 55 gallon with 20 lbs of rock in the tank does that make it better than a 125 with 200 lbs of rock in it. There may be the same amount of swimming room in both. Also would a 55 gallon be ok if it were 6 ft long and not as tall or is it all measured in the amount of gallons one has.
it is horizontal swimming room that they need...it doesn't matter if a 55g has no rock in it, it still needs as much horizontal swimming room as it can get!!!!!!...some fish stay in a very small area in the wild...others are very active swimmers and travel all over..tangs are one that need the extra space...i don't think any of us actually have the space that they need, but to put one in a extra small space like that is really bad...people always ask if it is ok.....most people know the answer,l or they wouldn't be asking in the first place!!! most people just want to justify it to themselves by hearing others say that it is ok..they don't want to hear the real answer
Alright so I ordered a small power blue tang (for $35 I couldn't say no). When I see tangs they are always doing one of two things: darting around or eating algae. Most of the time they are eating algae. I think in my 55 gallon where I will have some sea lettuce, chaeto, and whatever other macro I decide to buy for him to eat he should be fine.
I would like to say alot of things, but it is just arguements that go in a circle. Just like awhile back, when somebody wanted to buy 8 PB tangs for his 125gal and asked if this would be a good idea. Many people gave them thier thoughts on it and said that it was probly a bad idea...he ended up doing it anyways :(

Sometimes i dont know why people ask for help when they already have a set mind on doing something. I am not trying to critisize one person alone, but just people in general.

That is one I would not suggest for a 55. I am guessing you got it from liveaquaria since they have them on sale for $35. Did you notice the minimum tank size they have posted? "minimum tank size 100 gallons"
Good luck
I've been successfully putting tang in 16oz of water for years and it still tastes great...lol.... I had a yellow in my 50g for years and he did fine. It did recently pass away for some unknown reason..it was eating well and was very active the whole time, so I am not sure what happened.
I would like to say alot of things, but it is just arguements that go in a circle. Just like awhile back, when somebody wanted to buy 8 PB tangs for his 125gal and asked if this would be a good idea. Many people gave them thier thoughts on it and said that it was probly a bad idea...he ended up doing it anyways :(

Sometimes i dont know why people ask for help when they already have a set mind on doing something. I am not trying to critisize one person alone, but just people in general.


Usually because nobody can make a valid argument against it or show any scientific data. I may have sounded sarcatic earlier but there is alot of truth to it. The difference between a 6ft tank and a 4 ft tank is 2 ft and nothing more and in no way makes a healthier fish.
I would love for anyone that believes that putting a tang in a 55g aquarium is a "bad" thing to show some scientific data. Not just some experienced fish keeper said so. There are plenty of experienced fish keepers that will say its acceptable. I would say the folks that have kept them in a small tank successfully are for more knowlegable than those that havent. Its usually the folks that have never tried are the one warning against it.
