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Should we use bio balls or not... Some places they say yes to them and others say keep away. Being new to this (only one year in) I want to know if I'm doing this right or not... please help.

Welcome to RF! :welcome:. As Don suggested, unless you aren't concerned with nitrates, then bio-balls are good to use like in fish only systems, but if nitrates are something you want to keep down to nothing (like in a reef setup or if you want to avoid nuicance algae growth) then you want to skip them. The end result of anything in a highly oxygenated environment will equate to elevated nitrate levels over time as the end product of say a wet/dry where bio-balls are commonly used is nitrates. With that said, here is a section you may want to check out dedicated to members like yourself new to the hobby New To Reefkeeping. Post up whatever questions and concerns you have there and we'll be sure to walk you through them. :)