Power outages, I spit in your face! LOL

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Generators are great for when your at home when the power goes out! But you still need something to get you by untill you can get home.
This DIY Auto Back-Up unit can be made if you have a little electrical back ground.
That is sweet dwall174. good to have when your away, at least you could run a pump until you get home.
Yea it has saved me twice now! Another nice device I have is my house alarm system that will call my cell phone if there’s a break-in or the power goes out! That way I know that there’s a problem.
That is a great design dwall174. I am currently building the switch for that setup since I found it on RC, but have put it on the back burner. I am having trouble finding the 3PDT relay switch though, what was the source that you found it at?

I've checked Radio Shack and some other electronic suppliers, but they only seem to carry the 4PDT wich does not appear to work (at least by using your wiring diagram).


During the next power outage, just crank up the stereo loud enough so the neighbors can't hear the generator......
During the next power outage, just crank up the stereo loud enough so the neighbors can't hear the generator......

:D :D :D

I was thinking the other way around, I would crank the generator up as loud as possible so that I couldn't hear my neighbors complaining, hahaha

esmith said:
I am having trouble finding the 3PDT relay switch though, what was the source that you found it at.
The one I used was from Mouser Electronics stock # 528-38825-14

You could always use a 4PDT & just use three sets of contacts! Just be sure to match the contacts to the amps used. I just made the basic transfer switch unit! I didn’t add all the bells & whistles like Play Fair did. I suppose you could use the fourth set of contacts for an alarm or light?

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