I'm not a player of the GTA series. I am however foaming at the mouth for the Star Wars Knights of The Old Republic sequel as well the Jade empire, and Fable
. San Andreas may put me over the edge though.. we'll see.
I read an article about San Andreas and I must say I'm impressed with what they have done. I bought GTA3 and played it for about 10 mins, just wasn't my cup of tea I guess but I'll get San Andreas because I want to do the casino stuff.
I've kinda swore off video games since I started working on a game with some friends so don't know what's good coming out.
Is Fable and Jade Empire Xbox tittles? I may buy an Xbox just for Halo 2 but will see.
yes the upcoming Fable & Jade Empire are xbox exclusives..halo2 is too(but will come to PC in another 6months)
IMO firstpersonshooters need a mouse for decent controlling, so halo2 imo isn't worth getting an xbox for.
to tide you over on the firstpersonshoooters, halflife2 due in nov(doom3 is disappointing)...I've been playing the new CS:source
it is much better
What genre of game are you making? I'm working on one myself.
Game we were making is an action/horror type game. We ran out of funding so not working on it anymore but I did most all the modeling and texturing. Great learning expirience and was fun to work with my friends. We're still trying to get funding but I've already started working somewhere else.
I'd like to try HL2 but I'll need to upgrade my computer for that and money isn't applenty right now. As for Xbox and Halo2, I played the first one on Xbox and had a blast, playing with a controller is fun and not having to worry about computer crashing is nice.
HL2 doesn't need a crazy computer like doom3, so you might already have the machine to play it. I played CS:Source on both my machine and a friends(whose got a 1ghz, 512 ram, 64meg Geforce2) his ran fine at about 40fps tho it was at 640x480.