Prodac Ocean Reef salt?

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Oct 30, 2005
Hong Kong
Has anyone had any experience with this brand of salt from Italy, especially any bad experiences?

It was recommended by my LFS in Hong Kong. It dissolves quickly and my coral seems to like it fine, but when I Googled it, it seems to only be popular in Italy and South Africa.
Welcome to Reef Frontiers, Bluewhale!!! There is another member from Hong Kong here, as well. His name is Skipper J.

I'm not familiar with that brand of salt. Have you tested it, for Calcium, Alk, Magnesium, etc.?
Thanks, Nikki. It's cool that bits of our Indo-Pacific reefs end up in places like Indiana and South Africa!

Calcium and alkalinity are good. Didn't test magnesium. I've been using the same salt for eight years. This new one really does dissolve well with very little sediment. But guess I'll stick to old reliable Instant Ocean, unless someone on here has used Ocean Reef long-term.