sorry red six, im sure it works great for you, but i strongly dislike the aqua c remora, remora pro or any other aqua c skimmer for that matter...
they are utter garbage, and overpriced to boot.
...just take my word for it as the local skimmer guru, i sell skimmers for a living, i've got no reason to steer you wrong
for a 75g average mixed reef, these skimmers i think would be perfect, going from cheapest to most expensive;
octopus nw 150 or 200 $180-$240 (must mesh mod impellar, mod venturi for top performance)
euroreef rs-80 $250 (again must modify for best performance)
MSX octopus extreme 160 $300
coralvue octopus pro 200 $500
ATI bm 160 $500
ATB small cone skimmer $800
i think mabye the msx octopus extreme is the most power for the least money, but skimmers are like shoes, you get what you pay for.
if your doing sps it pays to buy the best skimmer you can, if your doin' softies well then you can get away with less skimming power.
but the bottom line is either your filtration cleans the tank, or you do.