~~PSAS Anual BBQ Fundraisor, June 21st at Penny's Salsa~~

Reef Aquarium & Tank Building Forum

Help Support Reef Aquarium & Tank Building Forum:

One update to the raffle:

Coral Frenzy just contacted me and has shipped out 6 cans of Coral Frenzy to be added. They will be included in our donation.

Thanks Coral Frenzy for your continued support!

Way to go coral frenzy! IMO this is a product worth using in any reef tank.
Just sent the evite out again, Please check your spam boxes. Hotmail, gmail, and yahoo are notorious for filtering out the evite unless you add the sending address to the safe list...
I got both evites. Please pass on information to any that did not. Evite says sent out to four hundred and some people.
It's not looking good for me, as i have been home sick for the past three days. I was looking forward to the party and finally getting a chance to meet everyone.

Does anyone live near Parkland? I need to proved the $100.00 donation.
Jonas from Blue Sierra says he will do what he can to support PSAS. If you are in his store do a shout out.

Here is what Jonas has donated to support PSAS in Raffle.
Gift certiificates
3 buckets of D and D Salt. (Deltec salt).

Again, if you are in any of the Sponsors stores do a shout out. Please let them know we are all one in this Hobby.
Jonas from Blue Sierra says he will do what he can to support PSAS. If you are in his store do a shout out.

Here is what Jonas has donated to support PSAS in Raffle.
Gift certiificates
3 buckets of D and D Salt. (Deltec salt).

Again, if you are in any of the Sponsors stores do a shout out. Please let them know we are all one in this Hobby.

Jonas generously gave a 100$ Gift certificate and 2 for 25$ and if you havent heard about this salt it is Killer!

Thank you for years of support Blue Sierra,
Chad and PSAS
A BIG shout out to the supporters. Way to go guys/gals. All is showing lots of Love.
Special shout to ED Hahn. The guy has been most generous with his time and stuck by the PSAS club.
Yes, he has a life,family,friends etc. He always finds time to help on west side. If you see Ed tomorrow give him a special thanks along with Eric.
If I don't show, hope all have a great time. "LONG LIVE THE REEFERS"
I'm bringing some FREE large pieces of Red Lava Rock (8 or 10) and some SHOW pieces of dead Coral. You know the kind that they decorate the doctor's office Aquariums with. I've got a whole box of this stuff that you can have for FREE.
Had fun at the meeting~

Great meeting everyone! Had a great time! If PSAS decides to hold the meeting again next year at my place I promise that the tank will look much better! Cleared up really nice overnight! Crystal clear thanx to Paul's cool device!

Take care everyone! Had fun with everyone!

See you all soon!

Eric ie salsaking

I'm a retard and took like 2 pictures the entire time we were there! When anyone has the time, share the wealth :)

Thanks to Some Awesome Sponsors we had some cool stuff to raffle.
Again if you are in thier store do a shout out that you are a member!
Members conversed, ate food and drinks and watched Veraltaquatics working on New Tank

It was pretty nice with out fish and corals! It was pretty quiet too. This tank is going to be Awesome! Again, I want Eric to tell you more of the hidden goodies.
A group picture for those that want one.

With a wave and a smile we hear chatter of see you soon. We want to talk about more Reef Stuff.
Catch you at a another PSAS Meeting!

Here is another picture for my Desk at Work. thanks you.
Whoever brought the cherries to the BBQ, I have your bowl!
Just let me know and I'll get it back to you.

Sure was great having so many turn out for the BBQ.
Great raffle too. Sure wish I'd have won that 50% coupon for the tank though. Lots of great sponsers! THANKS everyone!
