PSAS Board of Directors Nominations for 2013-2014

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Apr 6, 2012
Golden, Co

The current Board of Directors (BOD) at PSAS has been working hard behind the scenes for the last year to organize meetings and facilitate activities in the Puget Sound Region. We have set a few goals. We want to continue organizing some of the most popular annual events like the PSAS Frag Swap for members only, the big The PSAS Bob Moore frag swap, and the Tank Tour to name a few.

We have also been working hard to organize meetings in various locations in the region. We've been holding meetings in the South Sound, Seattle, Federal Way, and out in Poulsbo/Silverdale.

We have implemented a few new features at the site and revived a few past features: The sponsor of the month article, the Monthly newsletter, and a few astetic changes to the site with the generous help of our site administrator, Vicki.

The time is quickly approaching for us to start looking for new leadership to continue building momentum. Nominations for officers will take place in the month of May and elections will take place in June. Here are the positions that we will be looking to fill:

Membership Chair
Official Helper

Click here to read the PSAS Charter and find out more about these positions:
The PSAS Charter

The only needed qualifications are that you be a member in good standing who has attended at least two meetings in this past club year.


It doesn't appear that any of the current members of the BOD will be seeking a position in the coming year, but they're welcome to add their name to the running at any point! Please take time to consider the number of events and opportunities that are available to you through the PSAS. Consider the sponsor discounts you receive as a card-carrying member, the thousands of dollars in Raffle items we give out every year, and the opportunity to have a local community available to respond to question and emergency issues you have.

Maybe you have ideas on how things can be improved or fresh ideas on meetings? This is your chance to be a part of the solution. Without your help, many of the opportunities now available, including the Bob Moore Frag Swap which was such a big hit this year, won't be available in the future.

If you are interested in any of these positions, please respond and get your name added to the list. Please indicate one or more of the positions you would like to fill. Once May comes, we will compile the list for each position. In June, we will conduct the elections. The elections will take place on our personal site:

If you're interested in adding your name to the list, please consider posting your response on the PSAS site at the following link:

PSAS Board of Directors Nominations for 2013-2014

It gets hard to track activities on two sites at once.

Can't we just keep you?

Thanks, but all of us have big changes coming down the road. Two board members will have new additions to their family within the next year and it's a big change for both of them being first time parents. My wife and I are moving to Denver.

Besides, I'd like to go down in history as the first politician to live up to his/her promise of self-imposed term limits.
We have a team coming together to keep things going here at the PSAS!
We're really happy to have the following people volunteering for these positions:

Paul (TheKraken) - President
Zerc (Eric) - Vice President
Charleyne (Charlypooh) - Treasurer
Devin (1GuyDude) - Membership Chair
Brian (Raamiah) - eNewsletter

Elections will take place soon. As of right now, there is no one challenging anyone for any position. We could still use someone to fill the position of Secretary and we have a few other positions, things like Official Helper, which have no specific tasks associated but means that you'll be willing to help the PSAS at meetings and throughout the year as you're able. The more help we have, the easier life is for everyone on the Board of Directors and it's rewarding work to be a part of a team like this. It's especially important to have people you can count on during big events like the Bob Moore Swap. We had an incredible show of support from the community to help set up, manage, and tear down. We couldn't have asked for a better team.
Jacob I am willing to be a helper. I will be at the PSAS bbq neext weekend and can talk to you about it then.

Sent from the great beyond via Tapatalk 2.5!!
shweet...thxs all who r helping out fill up positions and take charge!
looking at a good yr if not longer!!!!!!!!!!
Jacob I am willing to be a helper. I will be at the PSAS bbq neext weekend and can talk to you about it then.

Great! It really does help a lot having a team of people helping out. The BBQ is on the 15th. I'll be glad to talk about things with you there. Also, a big part of our organizing happens "behind the scenes" over at the The Puget Sound Aquarium Society Portal.

We add all the names of those on the BOD to a list that grants them access to hidden forum sections not visible to the public. That makes it easy to plan things without cluttering up the public space. If you'd like to be a part of the team, a good step would be to create a username over at that forum if you haven't already done so. I've processed 150+ applications this year, so please forgive me for not remembering.

Looks like our team this year is strongly represented by Seattle hobbyists. That's really good to see! I know it has been concerning to people that it has been overly represented by the South end for a couple years. It was hard to schedule meetings up North when we had few connections, but it looks like that's changing.