I have no fish.
It's that time.........
We are rapidly approaching election time again. Think about whether you would like to be involved with the clubs planning and direction. Do you want to guide the future of the club? If so, take a look at the position descriptions below and decide which would be the best fit. The current board has not gotten too tied about about titles, it's been hard just having enough people to fulfil the basic needs. We really MUST have some member involvement if this club is to continue.
I am finished as of this season. It's time for some others to share the joy!!
Thanks all!
Here is a description of the postions:
The President is responsible for supervision of the club and its officers and is required to fulfill the following tasks. Preside at all meetings of the club and the Board meetings. Appoint any special committees necessary for carrying out the mission of the club. Organize the necessary Board Meetings during the off-season to plan and schedule the upcoming season of events. Perform other duties as his/her office may require. Assist the Event Coordinator as needed.
Vice President
Perform all presidential duties in the President's absence. Work with the Board to set the annual calendar of events. Organize topics or speakers for the monthly meetings. This duty will be performed in cooperation with the rest of the Board as well. Assist the Event Coordinator as needed.
Membership Chairperson
Perform all presidential duties in the absence of the President and the Vice President. Maintain up to date membership records and keep an accurate written record of the payments made by each member of the club. Maintain a complete email and home (as needed) address list of all members of the club. The Membership Chairman is responsible for maintaining the club’s mailing distribution lists, distributing the meeting invitation and handling any other club correspondence. Handle any incoming requests or questions from prospective club members. Assist the Event Coordinator as needed.
The Treasurer receives all money for the club and keeps accurate records thereof. Collect all money owed to the club and see to it that all financial obligations of the club are fulfilled. Maintain the club's bank account. Assist the Event Coordinator as needed.
Keep an accurate written record of the proceedings of all Board meetings. Minutes from Board meetings should be available to the membership at least seven days prior to the next regular club meeting. Assist the Event Coordinator as needed. (Currently only correspondance is on the board member forum)
Event Coordinator
The Events Coordinator is accountable for the logistics of all regular events, including location, A/V equipment needed, supplies, refreshments, etc. The Event Coordinator can call on any other board or club member to assist in the preparation or setup of meeting as needed.
Let me say one more time............ speak up and get involved!!!
ALSO - one other rule. DO NOT NOMINATE ANYONE WITHOUT SPEAKING TO THEM IN ADVANCE. This is a serious post, and needs to be kept that way. The way I see it, the board members job is to run the club, which is the same as running a business.
We are rapidly approaching election time again. Think about whether you would like to be involved with the clubs planning and direction. Do you want to guide the future of the club? If so, take a look at the position descriptions below and decide which would be the best fit. The current board has not gotten too tied about about titles, it's been hard just having enough people to fulfil the basic needs. We really MUST have some member involvement if this club is to continue.
I am finished as of this season. It's time for some others to share the joy!!
Thanks all!
Here is a description of the postions:
The President is responsible for supervision of the club and its officers and is required to fulfill the following tasks. Preside at all meetings of the club and the Board meetings. Appoint any special committees necessary for carrying out the mission of the club. Organize the necessary Board Meetings during the off-season to plan and schedule the upcoming season of events. Perform other duties as his/her office may require. Assist the Event Coordinator as needed.
Vice President
Perform all presidential duties in the President's absence. Work with the Board to set the annual calendar of events. Organize topics or speakers for the monthly meetings. This duty will be performed in cooperation with the rest of the Board as well. Assist the Event Coordinator as needed.
Membership Chairperson
Perform all presidential duties in the absence of the President and the Vice President. Maintain up to date membership records and keep an accurate written record of the payments made by each member of the club. Maintain a complete email and home (as needed) address list of all members of the club. The Membership Chairman is responsible for maintaining the club’s mailing distribution lists, distributing the meeting invitation and handling any other club correspondence. Handle any incoming requests or questions from prospective club members. Assist the Event Coordinator as needed.
The Treasurer receives all money for the club and keeps accurate records thereof. Collect all money owed to the club and see to it that all financial obligations of the club are fulfilled. Maintain the club's bank account. Assist the Event Coordinator as needed.
Keep an accurate written record of the proceedings of all Board meetings. Minutes from Board meetings should be available to the membership at least seven days prior to the next regular club meeting. Assist the Event Coordinator as needed. (Currently only correspondance is on the board member forum)
Event Coordinator
The Events Coordinator is accountable for the logistics of all regular events, including location, A/V equipment needed, supplies, refreshments, etc. The Event Coordinator can call on any other board or club member to assist in the preparation or setup of meeting as needed.
Let me say one more time............ speak up and get involved!!!
ALSO - one other rule. DO NOT NOMINATE ANYONE WITHOUT SPEAKING TO THEM IN ADVANCE. This is a serious post, and needs to be kept that way. The way I see it, the board members job is to run the club, which is the same as running a business.