PSAS Event - SWAPMEET - August 23rd 2008

Reef Aquarium & Tank Building Forum

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Jun 11, 2005

Clean your garage; Buff those aquariums; Put those powerheards in vinegar. PSAS is having the first event of 2008-09 season with SWAPMEET where you can bring the stuff that you do not need and want to sell or give away to other people. We will also be selling 08-09 membership cards over there and you will get the chance to meet with our new board members.

Location: 989 Elements - Lounge on 3rd floor (989 112th Street NE
Bellevue, WA 98004)

Times : 11 am - 3 pm (subject to change)

Have entire setup to sell?
No worries: As long as you can haul it in the car or truck or minivan, you can park the car in the free parking garage and show it off over there.

So, come out and have fun if you have nothing to sell. You never know what you end up taking back home.

Contact board members via email for more information (see Contact Info). See ya'll there
Finally something in my backyard! I will have my full 65G setup for sale but not quite soon enough to have it there. I'll still try and drop buy as I'm sure I can pickup some odds and ends for my new tank. Great idea for an event.
Should we post items we'll be bringing in this thread? Or just show up with it unannounced? I've got 2 Reef Optix SE reflectors I don't need, as well as a Tek 4x54w light.
Should we post items we'll be bringing in this thread? Or just show up with it unannounced? I've got 2 Reef Optix SE reflectors I don't need, as well as a Tek 4x54w light.
I think this is a great idea and would allow people plan ahead and setup deals much like the frag swap.

If I make it (and I will try) I will have a 30 gallon bowfront and a seio controller that I would trade (or partial trade) for some koralia pumps, frags of green slimer, blue slimer, acro formosa, and possibly other acro frags.
Reed if ya want a rideshare :)

I am just down the road :)

Good to see your geting back into acro's !!

If they don't sell before the event I will have a roughly 30 gallon bowfront tank and a seio controller.

Paul, I will let you know as we get closer to the event if I am going. If I do go an we are on the sam schedule I'd love to carpool.
I'm new to the area and haven't been to one yet. Do you need to be a member or is there a cost in going? If so what is it or how do I become a member? I hope I can go I'm in the army so are schedules can change last sec. but I will try and go. Can't wait to meet some of the reffer's In this area.
lion-clown, it's been a while since I ran the show so I won't swear this is the way it still is....but it used to be that you had to be a member to attend an event, but you could join at the door. The events are always great and the people are the best. Worth the money to join plus you get a discount at several of the local shops.
Setting up a 40 gallon tank in my office. I already have 20lbs of dead rock, need some cured rock to seed my tank.

I know this is a frag swap, but I am looking for some cured live rock to seed my tank. Any one breaking down a tank that can sell 15 lbs of live rock for a reasonable rate (ie, $5.99 or lower).

Talk to "Salsaking" he may have some marshall island rock left. If I didnt have so much Id buy it. The stuff is really nice.