Eric did see part of the presentation, lmao.
Jake Adams is a young, exciting speciallized guest speaker. You can contact him on Reef Frontiers as Coralite. You can also find him on Reef Central. You were given a chance to communicate with him one on one at Shark Reef and Red Robin.
Jakes topic yesterday discussed Fluid Dynamics of a reef tank. Why corals grow funny shapes on one side due to turbulance, What works to increase coral growth. He also gave some one on one about coral health,Red Bugs,Guest speakers, helped people pick corals. Jake is really a cool guy.
All kidding aside.
Jake did one hell of a presention out of a box without slideshow. I am sure you will see more of him in the future. Jake really wanted to show the equipment he uses to measure flow. He wave his notebook around showing.
So my concern was to Jake to be comfortable. I saw many smiling faces from members, thanks for encouragment you guys rock! I believe those that hung around were encouraged to rearrange their tanks.
Those that hung around saw a specialist give you his formula for a frag tank.
That formula being A 33 inch long glass cage aquarium that consisted of two maxijets producing a ideal flow for rapid growth.
Those that hung around learned that corals respirate. We also learned the more lighting the more flow required. I would highly recommend Jake for a lecture again.
Here are some of the things I picked up on while Jake was sharing his experience one on one. I was ease dropping, he he. Amino acids are essential to corals growth and health.
Here is what I want people to know. In the past there have been complaints bout guest speakers being hurded in like cattle. Yesterday Randy, Paul, Dang and I tried to make Jake comfortable. We do listen to peoples comments of critisism. There are only a few of us on the board.
The elections results yesterday were Randy as President. Myself (Ed) as Vice President, Ken being Activity Director. I think Ken just wants to drink beer with guest speakers, lol. There are several areas we need help.
Randy was Treasurer. We need help. Paul is now website coordinator. So if you want to participate? If you are cheap and want a free membership,want to learn what is going on behind the scenes? We could use your help.
We being Randy, Paul, Ken, and I will do our best to bring a exciting new year.
We want our guest speakers to come back readily. This area will improve due to Ken I can promise you this. Colleen has promised to help behind the scenes when time allows. God bless her heart!
The host Shark Reef was awesome! Deals a plenty. I think people bought fish, corals,or clams, salt and went home because of it myself. Eric and Matt hung around a hour later for those that wanted to hear lecture and buy stuff still. Eric wanted to hear presentation but was busy bagging animals. Shark Reef also donated for support of PSAS in future a Aqua Pod . I hope to see pictures of that in the future.
Pictures? oh yeah... I did not take very many. I was interested in his lecture.