puffer help

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Well-known member
Jul 31, 2008
so i now i have these white spots on my puffer, im trying to figure out what to do but i am just confuseing my self, he looks just like this


is looks like ich but he acts normal, no scrapeing or rubbing things, he eats like a champ, although he tends to pick out all the krill an leave the other stuff. he is in a 100g all params looks fine nitrates a little high, no other fish have any signs of illness. he has been in the tank for a little over 2 months now. i just read a few articles one said freshwater dips everday for 10 days other say full qt with antibiotics the whole 9. what should i do?
okay now im not sure at all i jus read puffers have a very slimy coat and get sediment stuck to them all the time, well mine wedges himself in the sand between rocks to sleep, is there a way to tell if its just sand or parasites or ich or something else? ie can i push him under a powerhead or something to see if they blow away?
Sometimes it is easier to check the pectoral fins. If they are clear and you still see the "dots" that don't apear to be falling off, then it might just be ich. Keep an eye on it, and maybe post a pic if you can.

Good luck.

i've been trying to get a pic for the past hour and its not working out haha yes there are dots on the pectoral fins :(
Neither antibiotics nor freshwater dips will cure a fish infected with Marine Ich (Cryptocaryon irritans).

First, you want to be armed with accurate information. Please read this: Marine Ich - Myths and Facts.

Next, you are the only one that can do a good diagnosis. Without a few good photos, it is up to you. You can search the Internet and find plenty of photos of marine fishes with Marine Ich. You can use those photos to compare to what you are seeing.

There are only three ways to treat marine fishes to get rid of this parasite. Those are covered in the above link. The following links provide additional information regards to two of those treatments:
Copper Medications - Good, Bad, and Ugly
A Fish Hyposalinity Treatment

If you have decided your tank contains Marine Ich, they you'll want to take that first link, learn as much from it as you can, then choose your treatment process then follow the guidelines closely. There are no shortcuts, so you might want to consider before posting suggestions or questions on how not to perform or how to get around those two treatments.

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