Purple Tang

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Well-known member
May 21, 2004
Is the purple tang an aggressive fish to have with a flame angel, royal gramma, clown fish and blood shrimps?
Mine seems to be doing ok. I have the purple tang, 2 clowns, a mandarin and 3 chromis. Everybody is getting along quite well.
idgy said:
Is the purple tang an aggressive fish to have with a flame angel, royal gramma, clown fish and blood shrimps?

by the time he will be the boss of the tank:D
He will be the last fish added to the tank! I would hate to get one and have him bully my peaceful tank! Everyone is so happy and content in the tank! Ah if only life were like a reef tank.
here is mine
60 gallon, I was planning on getting a small one. Is that too smalll of a tank for one? Vivid Aquarium says it should be fine.
They are pretty mellow as long as there isn't another Zebrasoma around!!:

Hi Idgy I have a Purple Tang (Zebrasoma xanthurum ) In a 150 gallon tank and when I introduced a Scopas Tang (Zebrasoma scopas) he was quite mean to it for a few months. It was so bad I had divide the tank in 1/2 to let the two get used to each other. So If you just keep one tang I belive you will be ok However I do worry about your tank size. 60 gallons is pretty small I have a small tank a 75 gallon 48" long and I have a Blue Caribbean Tang
(Acanthurus coeruleus) And he is the only tank in this tank we he will boss and harass any of the other fish if they get to close or if i try to cut back on feeding he gets kind of mean as well. Your Zebrasoma xanthurum wil proably be close to the same as he gets greater that 4" if you get a alittle one 1-2" they reach 4" in about a years time. I hope this helps I dearly love the color on My Zebrasoma xanthurum but they are meant for 60" long tanks and bigger good luck with your choice...Jeff

charlie said:
I think that he would be ok if it was the last fish added. IME, They are pretty mellow as long as there isn't another Zebrasoma around!!:D