pyramid snails please help

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Sep 23, 2007
I have a 14 inch gigas or so and I was looking at all my cute copepods and noticed the bottom of my snail had about 20 little pyramid snails I usually look at our tank everyday except for the last couple weeks because we we got married they sprung up so fast and I know there is a lot. I want to save my gigas because we have had it for so long now should I scrub it everyday? should I scrub it and take it out of the environment and put it in qt? how long is the life cycle for the snails? will they eat my coco worms? thanks...
You'll need to remove the clam and manually remove any snails you see every couple of days for awhile. You can also do some research into freshwater dips. I don't know the life cycle of paramalid snails but I do know they reproduce quickly and lay eggs on a regular basis. If your other tank enhabitants would welcome the addition, I'd also consider purchasing a 6 Lined Wrasse. For more reading, check out Barry's website at and also check out
The forum is no longer on clams direct, it is now . If your snails are on the other snails and not on your clam you are fine. I have the kind of pyramid snails that only eat other snails. There are thousands of different types of pyramid snails and only a few of those types eat clams.

Now if your snail population dwindles the pyramids will probably start to harm the clam. You need to do manual removal of the pyramid snails from your other snails every other day or so. I do this and have been doing so for about a year now and have seen a huge decrease in them.

Freshwater dips does nothing for pyramid snail removal. Also sixline wrass's do remove some but pyramids are nocturnal and the wrasse's are dayurnal. So the wrasse's miss most of the snails at nite.
thanks for all your help I will keep cleaning the snails off and checking my clam nothing on there yet. But it is so big it seems about 10 pounds maybe more. Thanks!