QT setup and others questions

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Well-known member
Feb 22, 2011
Port Orchard Washington
So i have a newbie question. I was wondering exactly how to setup a qt tank. My fish have developed ick from what im assuming, the last flooding i had. I replaced 25g of water real quickly from that ordeal. Is it possible to treat ick in the main display? Its a mixed reef. I only have 1 fish i know for sure i can catch without dismantling my tank. I have around 150-200 pounds of rock with coral attached. The largest fish i have is my naso, hes about a foot. Then a kole about an 1", a sailfin about 5", a yellow tang about 4-5", a blue hippo about 5", a longnose butterfly around 4", engineer goby about 8", 5 blue green chromis. The naso is the only 1 i can net. The others are small enough that they can get into the rock work. If i do need to set up a qt, what kind of equipment/meds do i need? Skimmer, hob filter, light? Do i do a freshwater dip first? I have a 55g tank sitting empty, will this be big enough?
I would read the following stickys from Lee's forum, these will answer ALL your questions.




To answer your question about treating ich in the main tank, short answer is no, not unless you want to remove all fish from tank and let it go fallow (fishless) for a minimum of 8 wks. There are no shortcuts and no panaceas in eradicating ich...sorry for the direct answer. :)
Hey, I have a fishtrap you can borrow. Two different ones.
I dont think either one will be big enough for the naso. but both will deal with all the other fish.
I have a 55g tank sitting empty, will this be big enough

for all the fish listed, no..
this tank would be good just for the naso tang...you most likely will need 2-3 QT tanks...for every inch of fish you need 5-7 gallons of tank space..which i believe is mentioned in one of the articles I posted in a previous post.
I also have a fish trap that you can borrow for the smaller fish. I put an acrylic mirror in mine, it makes it easy to trap tangs especially. They don't like the other tang in the mirror. When I was trying to catch my clown, my sailfin was in it constsantly, I couldn't keep him out.
Just let me know. I will be home a little late tomorrow. Probably about 8pm, but I'm normally home by 6pm.
Looks like I will be home between noon and 3:30 today. Your welcome to come by if you need to.

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Well I lied. They just scheduled my husband for a three hour procedure at noon!

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Thats ok. The only one left is the blue hippo. I did as the above link. Turned off all the lights in and around the tank and waited a couple hours. My kole isnt too bright. He stays out and about picking on the rocks during bedtime. Only this time, he was picking at the front if the glass. EASY catch. The engineer looked more like an eel, head poking out of the rockwork, so i just poked him from behind and he came out. As for "dori", as my daughter calls it, the hippo has always found the tightest place it can fit, lay on its side and float up in the rockwork as much as it can. The naso looks 100% better today compared to yesterday. It lost alot of wait real quick, but i have fed it nori as well as some mysis. Here in a couple hours, im going to do a waterchange on its tank.
So i have bad news. My landlord came into the house, with me, to fix the running toilet. Well, he saw the big tank and all the qt tanks and pretty much freaked out. He said to pick a tank. Of course im going to pick my big one. He said ok, but the rest have to go. So, all my fish are now back in my reef, still sick, which he didnt care about, and my qt tanks are empty. He stood in the living room watching me to make sure i did it like i was a kid and my dad watching me clean my room. He even helped me take them outside. Im pretty...um...ill be nice...annoyed. Guess i will just see what happens. Top it off, one of my ballasts is on the fritz. When will it end?