question- 1-2 gallon nano

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Well-known member
Jun 29, 2007
im wondering if it is possible to have a 1-2 gallon nano tank? maybe a small piece of live rock one coral and one fish?

does anyone have an example of this or see this done?
Many people have done it. I think its irresponsible to put fish in such a small tank but zoa's or small corals do ok.

I'm working on setting one up. I am still undecided as to whether or not to add a fish. I am told that there a couple of species of goby and blenny that can thrive in a small tank, but they are limited.

My plan, whether or not the fish is added is to keep it simple, star polyp, sexy shrimp, and a clean up crew. I've got a 10W screw in coralife 50/50 bulb over the top and a built in overflow where I'll eventually add chaeto.

That's it. Well, except for the yellow tang.
i like the sound of a small tank with a few corals...i am not so sure about a fish that could "thrive " in a 1-2g tank..i have seen a few nano's that look really good with corals, but i think they were like 6-10g..mushrooms would probably do ok in that setup
One thing to keep in mind is the smaller the water volume, the easier it is for the tank to be influenced by temp, salinity from evaporation and so forth so you will need to keep a good eye on it. Definately do-able :)
yeah sounds good i don't know about the fish.. i agree a little inhumane. what kinds of filters and stuff would you guys suggest?

so far i was thinking a hanging water filter, a little 5 gallon heater and water changes 1 time a week like 50%.

how long would you have to cycle this type of tank before you could put in corals?
a small hang on filter would be fine...if you have live rock that is already cured, you could set it right up..put the sand and water in, add rock, heat up water, and it would pretty much be ready to go.(mushrooms or zoo's only probably)
Thats good to know. I have a 12 gallon nano i was thinking of just using some water from that tank, that way it would already have the bacteria in it.
Thats good to know. I have a 12 gallon nano i was thinking of just using some water from that tank, that way it would already have the bacteria in it.
the water is not where the bacteria is.. you want rock that has been cured and has bacteria on it..
if the rock is not cured, you will need to wait a few weeks for it to cycle
You wouldn't be able to keep a fish in a tank this small without some technology and a lot of effort, for any decent period of time. Salinity problems in a tank so small would probably be the first thing to become apparent. Proper ca/alk/ph levels next, with alk/ph being evil. Temp would probably be tough during the summer, depending on where the tank is at.

That doesn't mean its impossible though! You could always pipe off of that 12g you have, and use it like a 'sump' for the 1g. I think a 1g full of zoos would be awesome, you wouldn't need a fish!
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ahh good to know. yeah i was planning on getting some live rock to start off.

I just put my Azoo 2.5 Mirrow Back -Bow Front tank together.

Everything is doing well.

I went with the new micro auto top off system from
and a temp control system (small heater/fan).

RO/DI water - live rock - sand - and weekly 35% water changes and you'll be doing fine.

Current makes a great light fixture that will fit this tank 12".

Let me know how it goes!:)
