question about pigment in clam color

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WA coral

im watching you
Aug 30, 2005
I have a couple of clams and I had read somewhere that if the mantle looses its color as in gets white edges or white pigmentless stripes that the clam was not getting enough light is this the case or is there any other reasons for this? sps seem to be doing fine I have seen this in other clams in other peoples tanks and they seem fine just a little concerned about mine they are under a brand new 250 20 k xm and have had no previous symptoms of this any Ideas
you can see the edges of the blue clam are white and there is white spot in the middle the squmamosa has almost a light haze in the middle up close it looks like little lines between what used to be all brown color
Looks like something may have got on them ?. They look awesome other than that.
You need a CLAM expert.
We need to hook up so you can get that tang ( if you still want it ).
ya I need an expert and just let me know when works for you in the pic with the blue clam is the piece of red echino about the size of a half basball picture just dosent do it justice. all fish are in tank now so any time hes ready for eviction
well I did read the info off the net and it indicates that the alge insie the clam may be dieing I have been feeding them and they are under a brand new bulb I will keep an eye on them. I did transfer them to a holding tank for a week and transfered them back but that was 2 weeks ago wonder if they are just stressed did testing on water also and all seems fine