Question about time out for aggressive clown

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Well-known member
Jul 5, 2010
Federal Way
I have a mated pair of what i believe to be false percs though i suppose they could be true percs, not sure if that point is relevant.

They were living peacefully in my tank with 3 Blue green Chromis, and a sailfin blenny. No Problems.

I came across a Hippo tang and Mandarin Dragonet on CL and couldn’t pass em up. Upon introduction to the tank everything seemed fine, the tang stayed in a far corner to himself, then today he started exploring more and at feeding time was zipping all over the tank eating everything in site, (earned the name Kirby as he sucks everything up). This activity apparently did not sit well with the female clown. She became very very aggressive towards the tang, chasing him back into the corner of the tank. If he strays further then 6 inches from his spot she attacks him. The Hippo tang is probably 5 inches compared to her 2 inches, but she is not fazed by the size difference, she goes after him and he retreats quickly. This went on for 4-5 hours until she hit him once in the side so hard that it stunned him. At that point I removed her from the tank to the refugium.

Here is my question; I have heard that removing an aggressive fish and rearranging the rockwork will sometimes cause the aggression to cease upon reintroduction. But I cannot find anywhere about HOW LONG to keep the offender in solitary. A day? A week? How long should I keep the clown in the fuge before trying to reintroduce.

The tang is now having a grand old time exploring every inch of the tank, and seems happy.
The clown never bothered anything else, so this caught me completely by surprise. Also worried what the clown in the fuge will do to my pod population that needs to stay high for the Mandarin.
So other than rearrange rockwork, how long should i keep clown out before trying to reintroduce? Is there anything else i might try, Anger Management for Fish class perhaps?
Are the clowns hosting in an anenome? They will defend them to the death. I don't think the clown will hurt your pod population.
No Anemone

No I do not have an Anemone. The pair had sort of staked out the middle of the tank under an arch and close to a toadstool as their little patch. But other fish swim thru all the time no problem, but the tang comes anywhere near and gets chased.

So original question, how long should i keep female clown in separate tank before trying to reintroduce?

I think time does not matter just the new aquascape will change things for you..when i changed my scape my propblem was solved immediately .it is good to have the tank established and make the clown the they have no territory to defend yet..
DT is 55, Sump 40, fuge 10,

So do you think I can try reintroducing the clown tonight or should i wait a few days? The male clown looks so lost without his girlfriend..:cry:

imo, i think the female feels threatened by the tang. how big is the tang? i think the female is being very terrotorial and is used to ruling the tank. if you put her back she will still fight the tang. i feel tangs should be in tanks above 90 gallons. even then i think 90 gallons are too small for tangs.