question about xenia

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Active member
Mar 24, 2009
spokane wa, northside
my xenia is kindoff diying .. need help whay is that happening or. should i buy something to keep it alive or what could be the cause
First thing anyone will ask to even remotely have the ability to figure out your problem is for your tank parameters as in ammonia, nitrites, nitrates and whether your using tap or not.

Additionally tank size and other inhabitants/type of xenia would be helpful
my ro unit is broken i accidently broke it.. so yes iv been using tap water.. and the xenia i relly dont know what kind it is..

Have you been using dechlorinator? The chlorine could be your problem but I think the problem may not be so simple
Xenia is a tough one, at times. Most of the time, it's a weed and has the ability to take over a tank!! Other times, it melts, for no apparent reason. However, when it does melt, it's also quite common for it to come back, even after all visible signs of it are gone. What other corals are in your tank and are you noticing any signs of stress with them? What fish do you have in your tank?
i have apowder brown tang. 2 perculas pair.. and one buble tip anen. few herbit blue leged crabs.. snail.. 60 ponds of live rock .. zoanthid frags like 5 of them .
and i belive thats it..
Xenias don't fair to well to big alk swings and will often die off to that. IMO is a good thing since they are a weed in a reef tank JMO though. I would never put them in any tank but a refugium.
Xenias also love their iodine. My very first Xenia melted away and I asked around and it was mentioned that if all my tanks parameters are within range then I should dose iodine as a supplement for the corals.

I have found with doing this over the last 6 years that my Xenias have flourished in my tank. I have also found the easiest way to keep Xenias from taking over your tank is to keep some smaller rubble rock around them to grow onto and then once those are covered you can remove them.

A good place for a wealth of information on Xenias can be found on GARF's website (

Xenias don't fair to well to big alk swings and will often die off to that. IMO is a good thing since they are a weed in a reef tank JMO though. I would never put them in any tank but a refugium.

dude no way ! how many corals are as active as pulsing xenia :) they do go great in the fuge though.
In this photo you can actually see the Xenia walking off the frag plug onto the lr. For one reason or another the Xenia did not like the frag plug. Dunno :confused:

dude no way ! how many corals are as active as pulsing xenia :) they do go great in the fuge though.

I like the look of xenia just not in my DT:D. They are too invasive and once they get established in your tank it is hell trying to keep them from spreading to othr places. I myself will be keeping only SPS and selective species of LPS so therefore I don't need any weed taking over my prime realestate. I don't want the xenia to ruin the overal look I am trying to acheive in my DT. They do look very nice in a softy or mixed reef tank.
Well put Roscoe. I for one have a mixed reef and do love the look of them in there. *lol*

Well put Roscoe. I for one have a mixed reef and do love the look of them in there. *lol*


Thanks Alex.... In time you will understand what I mean when I say invasive. You know those times how excited you get when you get a new coral. Then you bring it home to put in your DT and you have very limited space due to Xenia(weed) has overtaken precious realestate. That is and will be the time you say to yourself man these things are a freaking weed. I wish I never put them in there:lol::lol::lol:.
In time? I've had these for going on 6 years and still they have not taken over my 20H tank. *lol* Now those darn GSP (Green Star Polyp) corals those are a weed. *lol*

In time? I've had these for going on 6 years and still they have not taken over my 20H tank. *lol* Now those darn GSP (Green Star Polyp) corals those are a weed. *lol*


Really six years? Wow that is a long time! Well looks like you know how to keep them under control! I for one when I had my 120g about 6-7 years ago and I put one stalk of xenia in there and 3-4 months down the road I had about 100 stalks. At that time I was like man this thing is sooooo cool. I guess I moved on to other corals that I appreciate more. I'm just saying it is tuff controlling them once they start to take off.