Question regarding AquaC RemoraC Skimmer

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bubble puffer

Mar 9, 2006

I got a RemoraC that came with a Maxi1200, can I replace the Maxi1200 with a Mag 3 and will it make a big different in performance?

How big in size when comparing the Maxi1200 and Mag 3?

Thank you
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My understanding of AquaC skimmers is using a pump that is bigger than recommended does not enhance performance. I checked the website, and it looks like the Mag 3 is used for the Remora Pro. Personally, I'd stick with the recommended pump/powerhead to get the best performance out of your skimmer, based on their recommendation. Maybe someone that tried using the Mag will post their experience.
im going to have to disagree (sorry nikki:cry: )and say that you will get better foam out of a pump that has higher pressure, but similar gph. so, a maxi jet 1200 has 295 gph, and a head of about 5', a mag 3 has 350gph, and a head of 10', and an eheim 1250 has 320 gph and a 7' head.
my money is on the eheim 1250 scince it's about the same cost as the mag and it's a way better pump, but slightly less power than the mag 3, perfect for the remora. also, you could get a longer tube and put the pump on the bottom of the tank behind the rockwork instead of hanging in plain veiw when looking in the tank.

i think aqua c skimmers while designed to operate with smaller pumps, are more productive with higher pressure pumps than they recommend, as is the case with most injection style skimmers.
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Thanks for the input and I am just new to the Reef hobby and not so familiar with pump. I read that the Eheim 1250 you can use it underwater or externally. It's just a small 16G tank with 2 fish, some corals and around 10 Janitors in there.. The tank is around 15" Deep. If I decided to upgrade the Pump to Eheim, can I install it outside of the aquarium and setup a pvc pipe to suck water from the bottom of the tank and to the pump outside then loop it back to the Remora..will this decrease the performance of the Skimmer or should I go for a bigger pump like the Eheim 1260. If I able to get the pump outside, then there will be less item in the tank and more room and better view.. I am thinking hanging the pump near the Tank Base.
i probably wouldnt try to set up a remora in that mannor(w/ pump externalized), also scince it's going on a 16g, it might be "overkill" to upgrade the pump, i think you'll probably be just fine with the maxijet. i'd spend some cash on the little black surface skimmer box they make for the remora, it will conceal the pump, has a bubble baffle for the return, and skims water off the surface of the tank, so you will get better skimmate production, if you get a black back for your tank you'll hardly notice it. and you can put your heater in the return section of the skimmer body too :)

i have a friend with a remora pro that has a 600 gph pump on it(instead of a mag 3) and she says it rocks, and that is on a 15g, so "overkill" is a relative term based upon the results you want and the type of corals you keep.
plus the mag 3 and the eheim are big pumps for the gph they pump, i agree concealing them is a pita!
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The reason I am thinking about bigger pump because of 1 of the messy eater fish. It's permanent home for the clown fish in there but there it is also a temporary home for my 1" baby Porcupine.. that fish just so messy sometime until I get the basement done I will setup a 200G tank with sump.

The clown fish is easy for me to control the food.. I just drop 1 or 2 Formula one pellet..after he finish, then I drop another..he mostly will only eat 6 or 8 pellet at a time.. and only feed him twice a day.

I do have the Black Box Surface Skimmer which I didin't use as my Thermometer won't fit in there.. too long and took up too much space. I am thinking custom make a Surface Skimmer with some Plexieglass just for the Pump area without the return part as I am not worry about the Return of the Skimmer because there is no Micro Bubble after it break down. The only time I notice a little Micro bubble is right after I restart the Pump. The original Skimmer box take out too much space as I make a mistake when I purchase the LR.. I got 1 Huge rock and 3 small rock so the huge rock already taking up 30% of the space :(

The only time I see Skimmer overloaded is like 2 Days ago after I killed of 50% of the Diatom in the tank with Kent Marine Phosphate Sponge.. the container just filled up within hour with green and brown jello stuff and most of the Diatom look like got burn or something as I noticed big different. After water changes, the Skimmer back to normal.
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