Questionabot TDS meter

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Well-known member
May 7, 2006
Northeast Pa.
This afternoon I added a TDS meter to my RO/DI unit and it had a reading of about 54 in and 0 out great I thought now a few hours later and the reading is 51 in and 32 out(scratches head) how can that be??? can the meter be bogus already? The unit I have is a two month old six stage from filtersdirect. Do these need to be calibated before use???

What meter did you add, who's ? How is it installed ? Yes it should be calibtatred. Does this meter have ATC ? Is there a dif in the water temp from the first and last reading.

The meter is from
the in lead is on the line coming in to the first filter and the out is on the DI line out. as for temp Im going to have to check this. I also added a flow meter and it hovers between 90 and 100 psi in.
You might want to call them. IMHO it may be a meter/probe problem. Or on the intial flow start the probe was not wetted right and gave you a bad reading 0 ppm. With that said it would be a shot RO and DI. I don't buy that.
You might want to call them. IMHO it may be a meter/probe problem. Or on the intial flow start the probe was not wetted right and gave you a bad reading 0 ppm. With that said it would be a shot RO and DI. I don't buy that.

I just received an e-mail from the company I puchased the unit from and they informed that there is a probe problem and they are sending new probes. Now it will have to be recalibrated correct?
I don't care what they tell you or may tell you or anybody else for that matter, re-calibtated it. The meter is not a probe and a probe is not a meter.
I don't care what they tell you or may tell you or anybody else for that matter, re-calibtated it. The meter is not a probe and a probe is not a meter.

Well the company I bought the unit from says the new probes are on the way and they dont have the calibration solution. So I say to my self, Self you should contact HM digital maybe they will... Well it was like pulling teeth trying to get them to send me a single packet of calibration fluid. They felt there isnt a need because my RO/DI unit is so new... but after 15 minutes they said they "would" send some to me... Wow you would think when you offer a product and you KNOW a defective batch went out you would stand behind your product so you can have repeat buyers but I guess that doesnt matter anymore. Its all about the bottom line... :doubt:
i have a question....when your tds meter shows high readings, which filters should be changed???? all of them ??? my RO instructions say to replace once a year, depending on usage i guess, but should they all be replaced at the same time????
i have a question....when your tds meter shows high readings, which filters should be changed???? all of them ??? my RO instructions say to replace once a year, depending on usage i guess, but should they all be replaced at the same time????

Depends on how the meter is installed.

can you elaborate please????

You can install the inlet anyplace in the system. Mine is after the membrane and the other after the DI. I just replace the cartridges every 6 months. If the first one goes up then its time for a membrane. If the second goes up its time for more di resin.
Make sense?

so would i need 3 inline meters to know which filter(s) needs to be replaced?????.i have the carbons and coconut shells, the RO membrane, and the DI resin
so would i need 3 inline meters to know which filter(s) needs to be replaced?????.i have the carbons and coconut shells, the RO membrane, and the DI resin

Not really. The meter shown at the beginning of the thread is a dual. The cartridges you can easily tell just by the reduction of the output. Just one meter needed.

so the meter more or less alerts you to change the RO or DI filter?????loss in flow rate will be because of the cartridges????i have heard that the color of the cartridges can be an that true??
so the meter more or less alerts you to change the RO or DI filter?????loss in flow rate will be because of the cartridges????i have heard that the color of the cartridges can be an that true??

Alot of folks use color change di resin, I dont but I'm cheap. My cartridges are in a white canister so they cant be seen but they are pretty funk when I do change them every 6 months. You dont want to wait to long just because its hard on the membrane, the expensive part.

yeah, i see what you mean...if you wait to change the cartridges, the expensive membranes will be filtering extra junk that would normally be trapped by the cartridges!!! do you have a suggestion for a good TDS meter???...i have been looking at FiltersDirect...that is where i bought my unit