quick question

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Well-known member
Jun 29, 2007
I recently added a clown fish into my 12 gallon tank. he is in there with a bannered cardinal. So far the cardinal doesn't seems to like him much. my Clown fish spends its time near the top of my tank skimming the surface and rubbing on things. * This worries me* I guess this is the first day in the tank so he is probably feeling disoriented. he ate at feeding time so thats good. should i be worried? and should i get some kind of cave type thing set up so he has a place to run too?

Is this pretty normal?

oh yeah and one more question. when my carnal eats he spits most of his food back up and tries to eat it again only to spit more of it up is this common?
What are you feeding your fish, they sometime spit out food that is too big or not soft enough to get down, thinking here you may need to soak your food some first.
Guess you didn't QT the new fish so keep & eye on him, hope it is ok.
Some fish take a while to adjust to new surroundings so it may take a while. Was the fish quarentined? Also, how was the fish introduced into the tank? Was it just dumped in or acclimated? Let us know so we can have a better idea of what may be going on. \

As for the fish feeding, I agree with Scooty...I've had freshawater fish that use to do that all the time as well :)
Well the fish is doing great now. He is acting normal and enjoying my tank. i will try to soak the food and see if thats easier for him thanks for the help guys.

i seem to be having a new problem. I seem to be having large amounts of green algae in my tank and my clean up crew doesn't seem to want to eat it. I'm wondering what might i do?

clean up crew consist of hermits/ blue toed and 2 snails- don't know what kind they are small.
i seem to be having a new problem. I seem to be having large amounts of green algae in my tank and my clean up crew doesn't seem to want to eat it. I'm wondering what might i do?

clean up crew consist of hermits/ blue toed and 2 snails- don't know what kind they are small.

Bump the post up for ya and throw in a couple of ??s
On the rocks, glass, or sand? Hair algae?
Really need to see a pic to properly ID the Algae, but I'd have to say it's more than likely green hair.

Algae is usually caused by excess nutrients in the water which feeds it and or Nitrates and Phosphate. With that said, what's you maintenance look like? IE: Water changes, Basic over all husbandry. What type of filtration, Skimmer, etc? How much do you feed when you feed, Does all of the food get eaten in say 5 mins. Typically with water proper water changes, and lite feedings most algae problems can be dealt with.

Of course I'm fighting a Green Hair problem right now also which seems to be gettin gthe best of me at the moment. But I keep fighting and I'll get it removed yet.